[轉錄] 千名律師聲援大埔 警告公權力違法

作者: CrazyMarc (府城賈文和)   2013-08-07 08:37:22
一群律師對近日抗議群眾疑遭違法逮捕事件之聲明(Joint Declaration of Attorneys
on Recent Suspected Illegal Arrests of Demonstrators in Taiwan)
Article one of the Attorney Regulation Act states, 「The Mission of an
attorney is to promote social justice, protect human rights, and promote
democracy and the rule of law.」 Therefore, we cannot remain silent when
recently the police are suspected to have arrested protestors without due
process. We, as attorneys, hereby join together to make the following
一、 人民有免於恐懼而表達意見之自由,不容國家任意侵犯。
1. The People have the freedom of speech without fear of harm and
intimidation by the State.
The rights of Personal Freedom and the Freedom of Speech are protected by the
Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The State may not restrict
such fundamental rights without justifiable cause and must follow the
principle of proportionality when making such restrictions. These fundamental
rights enshrined in the Constitution should not only be imprinted on every
attorney's mind but also be recognized by every citizen. The people's
fundamental rights shall not be offended by any unlawful and barbaric act of
the State apparatus; safeguarding the people's freedom of expression without
fear of harm and intimidation is vital to a modern democratic nation.
二、 非法逮捕抗議民眾,將造成惡害無窮之寒蟬效應。
2. Illegal arrests of demonstrators would cause irreversible chilling effects
to the society
According to news media, the police have recently injured and arrested
demonstrators on trumped-up charges, without abiding by the procedures
dictated by the Code of Criminal Procedure, and exceeding the boundaries of
law enforcement. This is not only a severe violation of our fundamental
rights, but also a silencer of our freedom of expression. The negative effect
of such State actions on democracy is immeasurable.
三、 粗暴而過當之執法,實為以法為名之暴力。
3. Brutal and excessive law enforcement is violence in the name of law.
We hereby solemnly condemn such brutal and excessive enforcement of law. We
also call on law enforcement officers at the frontline to bear in mind that
it is their utmost duty to protect the rights of people and the rule of law.
If the behavior of protestors has not caused immediate and obvious danger,
officers shall not take any compulsory action without following legal
procedure. Illegal compulsory actions do not bring peace and they will only
destroy the prestige of law and law enforcement. Legal order which is
irrational and illogical is merely violence in the name of law!
We also call on the higher authority commanding the police officers to come
forward and take responsibility of your decisions rather than allowing police
officers to unnecessarily clash with protestors, and putting them at risk of
violating the Criminal Code for illegal arrests.
四、 堅決捍衛言論自由及多元意見,是所有公民的責任。
4. Protecting the freedom of expression and the diversity of opinions is the
responsibility of every citizen.
Diversity of opinions is the root of creativity and a condition for the
continuous and sustainable development of a society; the freedom of
expression is the basis of diverse opinions, and is a hard earned asset of
all Taiwanese people.
History shows that freedom does not happen on its own. It is won by people
fighting for it. Due to practical constraints, the general public may not be
able to participate in public matters to the fullest extent; nevertheless,
when the core values of Taiwan society that we cherish and are proud of,
namely, the rule-of-law, human rights and tolerance of diverse opinions, are
being brutally trampled by the State, we, as attorneys, have chosen to not
remain silent.
We call on all members of the society to stand up and realize the freedom of
expression is at risk of regression. We shall defend the safe haven of
diverse opinions and the right of free speech for generations to come. Let
the Taiwan tomorrow remember our cry for freedom today. It is the sacred duty
of every citizen of Taiwan and it is our promise to the next generation to
fight for the freedom of expression, and oppose excessive law enforcement by
the State.
作者: meatbear (肉圓熊)   2013-08-07 08:50:00
有差嗎 都有25萬人聲援了
作者: NPITGOD (澎科大神)   2013-08-07 09:13:00
1985聯盟都可以偷渡大埔了 為啥這不可以呢(燦笑
作者: olaqe (永遠不是我就能實現)   2013-08-07 09:21:00
誰叫好笑的蔡丁貴要大聲嚷嚷 明著逼25萬白衫軍打反核的臉
作者: ebi (Prince Siegfried)   2013-08-07 10:31:00
作者: avadar (愛台灣的中間選民)   2013-08-07 11:00:00

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