lkcs (繽紛之狼)
2015-04-04 02:28:4692 consensus is no longer a question to Ko, it is done
CCP will not ask him such kinds of questions, but keep asking DPP
Ko and CCP are in the same family now, they work together
work for the interest of china and interest of taiwan
if you read more books you will understand this
and you will find they are not a family from today on,but from long before
KMT says 92 consensus everyday but CCP dose not trust them
DPP has to abandon one country on each side which they could not
if taiwanese want to talk with CCP seriously they have only one choice
or maybe they dont want to talk, we would see in 2016
※ 引述《pp12345 (pp12345)》之銘言:
: 想太多了﹐現在中南海隻是在等柯P一點點表態罷了。
: 無論是92共識還是15共識﹐都必須包含核心論點“大陸和台灣﹐同屬一個中國”。
: 現在北京一點都不著急﹐柯P想繼續 台北和上海 的交流﹐想蒙混過關是不可能的。
: 共產黨是很頑固的﹐是很咬文嚼字的。
: 台灣人這種“白海豚會轉彎”的路數是行不通的。