Fw: [新聞]Disputed Islands, And a Former Taiwan P

作者: geordie (Geordie)   2015-08-04 13:12:20
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作者: tsutsutsu (石虎親衛隊) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞]Disputed Islands, And a Former Taiwan P
時間: Tue Aug 4 13:04:54 2015
Wall Street Journal 華爾街日報
Disputed Islands, And a Former Taiwan President, Still Make Waves
Taiwan’s former president Lee Teng-hui is 92 and has been out of office for
15 years – but he still has the ability to shake things up politically.
On a recent visit to Japan, he managed to set the cat among the pigeons by
saying that a disputed East China Sea island chain — known as Senkaku in
Japanese and Diaoyu or Diaoyutai in Chinese — belongs to Japan. It was not
the first time that Taiwan’s first directly-elected president made that
statement, but as Taiwan gears up for another presidential contest next year,
the echo was larger than usual.
Beijing, which had already criticized Japan for allowing the visit in the
first place, was predictably enraged. The official Xinhua News Agency
described Mr. Lee as showing a face of “naked treason” and a Chinese
foreign ministry spokesman called him a “stubborn Taiwan splittist” known
for activities seeking independence for the island.
There was a similar scramble in Taiwan to disavow the remarks by the man who
once headed the Nationalist Party but has since alienated many in the party
with his public statements and a quest for a different national identity for
the island, which formally calls itself the Republic of China.
On Monday, Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou waded into the controversy,
writing in the China Times newspaper that the former president should retract
his “serious misstatement” and apologize to the nation.
Eric Chu, chairman of the ruling Nationalist Party, had already described Mr.
Lee’s statements, including praise for Japan during its 50-year occupation
of Taiwan, as unacceptable. He added he couldn’t agree with the view that
the islands did not belong to the Republic of China.
Tsai Ing-wen, the head of the Democratic Progressive Party and the party’s
presidential candidate, had also chimed in earlier, saying: “The DPP’s
stance on the Diaoyutai Islands has been consistent and clear — the
Diaoyutai Islands belong to Taiwan,” she said in Taipei.
Ms. Tsai also noted for good measure that the ruling Nationalist Party has
been spreading false rumors that the DPP was planning to give up the nation’
s sovereignty claims elsewhere — in the South China Sea.
“The KMT has been twisting the DPP’s stance based on false information,”
Tsai said. “A political party should not play such a cheap trick in a
run-up to an election. It is bad for Taiwan’s political and electoral
culture,” according to local media.
The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have been under Japanese administrative control
since the U.S. handed them over in 1972. But China and Taiwan both claim them
and the issue of sovereignty over the uninhabited islands has played an
outsized role in regional affairs. Angry demonstrations erupted in cities
across China after Tokyo purchased the islands from private interests in 2012
– and the issue continues to create friction between China and Japan.
Likewise, any suggestion that Taiwan no longer has a claim to the islands
would be a hot potato in the coming political season. Ms. Tsai probably has
the most to lose from the issue as polls show her in the lead.
Political watchers in Taiwan cautioned against exaggerating the ability of
former president Lee’s to affect policy though they showed grudging
admiration for the tireless politician.
“You have to give him credit. He has tremendous tenacity,” said Lin
Chong-pin, a former deputy defense minister and long-time policy specialist.
“He does have a following.”
And as the January presidential election draws nearer, that following – and
the rest of the political field — could hear more from him.
–William Kazer. Follow him on Twitter @WKazer.
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