CNN 頭條 台灣以及中國:一個中國 看完後 我覺得台灣真的亡國了
中華民國 1911-2015 嗚呼哀哉 尚饗
朱立倫的口號剛好拿來選台灣區長 改一下就好: ONE TAIWAN (X)
Xi: One country, not two
習進平: 世界上只有一個中國 就是中華人民共和國
On Saturday, Xi reinforced Beijing's stance that Taiwan is a Chinese province.
In a closed door meeting, he told Ma that the cross-strait relationship is
not a relationship between two countries, is not the relationship between
China and Taiwan. Territories on both sides of the strait belong to the same
country, this is a historical fact, and the legal foundation of this fact
cannot and will not change, he said, according to China's Taiwan Affairs
That will likely not sit well with many in Taiwan.
周六, 習重申北京的立場: 台灣為PRC一省
在閉門會談中 他告訴馬兩岸關係不是國對國, 也不是台灣對中國
Ma told journalists that Taiwan agreed with China's One China Policy, "but we
continue to differ on its definition."
馬告訴記者台灣同意中國的一個中華人民共和國政策 (我幹你X的) 但我們有不同的解讀
(去你的 老外只會覺得台灣已經屬於中國而已)