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作者: Okonkwo (峰迴路轉) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [爆卦] 紐西蘭換國旗公投沒過!
時間: Thu Mar 24 16:17:56 2016
訊息來源為 Herald News
New Zealand's flag will not change, a referendum has decided.
公投已經決定 紐西蘭國旗將不會改變
The existing national flag won 56.6 per cent of the vote,
現行的國旗支持率得到 56.6%
compared to 43.2 per cent for the silver fern flag.
The total number of votes received was 2,124,507 - a turnout of 67.3 per cent.
投票數為214萬4507人 投票率67.3%
ps. 國旗沒換其實不太意外 投票前民調都顯示不想換國旗