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作者: rgx (Kumi) 看板: Gossiping
標題: Re: [新聞] 台獨年輕化!兩岸若開戰 70%民眾相信美
時間: Tue May 17 01:27:14 2016
1. 2012年Pew Research Center的民調
Just 10% of Americans say they have heard a lot about relations between China
and Taiwan; 54% have heard a little and 34% have heard nothing at all about t
his issue.
About half (48%) of those who have heard a lot about relations between China
and Taiwan say the U.S. should use military force to defend Taiwan if China
were to use force against the island; 43% say the U.S. should not use military
force to defend Taiwan.
Among the expert groups surveyed, views on whether the U.S. should use military
force to defend Taiwan depend on the circumstances of a potential attack by
China. Majorities across the five groups would support the use of U.S. military
force to defend Taiwan if China moved against the island without a unilateral
declaration of independence by Taiwan.
If China were to use military force following a unilateral declaration of
independence by Taiwan, however, at least six-in-ten government officials,
business and trade leaders, scholars and members of the media say the U.S.
should not use military force to defend Taiwan; half of the retired military
officers surveyed share this view.
2. Chicago Council 2014年的民調,從1982年開始做
Americans have more favorable feelings toward Taiwan (average rating of 52 out
of 100) than China (44 out of 100). Yet surveys since 1982 have shown that no
more than a third of Americans has ever supported sending US troops to defend
Taiwan from a Chinese invasion. Only one in four (26%) support defending Taiwan
today, similar to recent surveys.
比例從未超過1/3, 2014年只有1/4支持