geminitw (geminitw)
2018-10-28 09:28:58Abe brought 500 business representatives with him, and Japanese and Chinese co
mpanies had signed deals worth $18 billion during the visit, Li said. He haile
d the deals as a sign of the “bright prospects” for the countries’ economic
Their two central banks also signed a three-year credit swap agreement that wi
ll allow them to exchange $30 billion worth of each others’ currencies, a mea
sure that will make it easier for banks to facilitate trade between the two co
“Vigorous trade will bring the bonds between our people ever closer,” Abe sa
id Friday.
※ 引述《XX9 (巨大姬洩)》之銘言:
: 不曉得這個版上有多少人會精神分裂呢
: 每天罵別人舔
: 結果自己厲害国才是舔日皇民跑第一
: 台灣半個都做不到的
: 9.2%每天照三餐政治攻擊的
: 現在中國自己全做到了
: 我想看一下常扣人帽子的那幾個id
: 出來現身說法一下
: 到底這該怎麼硬凹比較好