oftisa (oo)
2020-05-31 22:57:16台灣的現況,英國要負起絕對的責任
跟台灣建交就應該使用Formosa的名字,頂多是Formosa Taiwan
※ 引述《Fongin (步萊恩)》之銘言:
: 英國周日快報:英國5年內可能正式承認台灣
: China warning: Britain prepares to back Taiwan
: and DEFEND state against Beijing aggression
: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1289273/china-news-taiwan-britain-military-aggression
: The Sunday Express has learnt that ministers are considering how to support
: Taiwan more and could defy Beijing and formally recognise it within the next
: five years. As the coronavirus fallout continues with China there is
: increasing anger over how the Communist regime has treated Hong Kong and is
: now threatening Taiwan. A source told the Sunday Express “don’t be
: surprised if we end up recognising Taiwan and joining others in defending it
: with military assets.”
: 英國《周日快報》(Sunday Express)報導,
: 英國內閣首長們正在考慮如何進一步支持台灣,
: 並可能在未來五年內挑戰北京,正式承認台灣。
: 報導指出,中國處理武漢肺炎與香港問題的手段日益惹惱英國當。
: 「如果我們最終承認台灣並與其他國家一起以軍事資產捍衛台灣,不要感到驚訝
: 。」
: Currently, because of China’s objections Taiwan is not officially recognised
: and only has an unofficial embassy in the UK.
: But a source said: “That could change if China continues on its current
: trajectory.”
: Moves to support Taiwan have been welcomed by senior Tories.
: 由於中國的反對,台灣尚未得到英國的正式承認,在倫敦也只有一個非正式的代表處。
: 但有消息人士說:「如果中國繼續保持目前的發展軌跡,那可能會改變。」
: 支持台灣的舉動受到執政的保守黨高層歡迎。
: Last night experts predicted that Britain may officially recognise Taiwan’s
: sovereignty “within just five years”.
: But there are many ways the UK can support Taipei before that
: “nuclear option”.
: 英國可能會在「短短五年內」正式承認台灣的主權。
: 但是,在採取這項具有核彈爆炸威力的舉動前前,英國還可以通過多種方式支持台北。
: These include simply changes, such as giving Taiwanese representatives in
: Britai n full diplomatic status, to using Britain’s expanded diplomatic
: footprint in the South Pacific as a way of helping to check Chinese expansion
: and bolstering support for Taiwanese sovereignty.
: Helping to give Taiwan an independent voice within international bodies ,
: such as has already begun with World Health Assembly, is another way.
: 英國可能會授與台灣駐倫敦代表完全的外交使節地位,
: 並運用其在南太平洋的外交力量幫忙牽制中國擴張,支持台灣的主權。
: 另一種方法是幫助台灣在國際機構中發聲,例如最近在世界衛生大會的作法。
: There are more direct methods, too.
: Last year Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, re-elected three weeks ago on a
: robust pro-sovereignty platform, told an official delegation of British
: visitors that she wanted Britain to supply submarine components.
: Revelations on Tuesday that Beijing planned for the first time to deploy
: both its aircraft carriers for war games in which it will rehearse an assault
: on the Taiwan-controlled Dongsha Island shows why.
: 英國還可以有更多直接的方法。
: 最近剛連任的蔡英文總統去年曾對英國代表團表示,希望英國提供潛艇零件。
: “But there’s much Britian can do to support Taiwan before this.
: Taipei already considers the UK to be a primary partner
: and our relationship has grown considerably over the last ten years.”
: 但是在此之前,英國人可以做很多事情來支持台灣。
: 台北已經將英國視為主要合作夥伴,並且在過去10年中,我們的關係已大大發展。
: ================================================================
: 台英友好!!
: 支持五眼聯盟之一的英國正式承認台灣