感謝 signorr 大大您讓我們這種萬年老妖怪老骨灰有繼續存活在網路上的價值及意義①美國未同意對臺軍售設定期限﹔(We did not agreeto set a date certain for ending arms sales toTaiwan)②美國並不尋求為臺灣與中華人民共和國之間作調停﹔(We see no mediation role for the United Statesbetween Taiwan and the PRC)③美國也不會施加壓力要求臺灣與中華人民共和國談判﹔(Nor will we attempt to exert pressure onTaiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC)④美國對臺灣主權的長期立場沒有改變﹔(There hasbeen no change in our longstanding position onthe issue of sovereignty over Taiwan)⑤美國並無計劃修改臺灣關係法﹔及 (We have noplans to seek revisions to the Taiwan RelationsAct; and)⑥八一七公報的內容並不表示美國對臺軍售之前會徵詢北京意見。(the August 17 Communiqué, should notbe read to imply that we have agreed to engage inprior consultations with Beijing on arms salesto Taiwan)