modus operandi:常套手段
Global News
COMMENTARY: Report highlights scale of China’s ‘coercive’ diplomacy
By Matthew Fisher Special to Global News
Posted September 6, 2020 7:00 am EST
Updated September 7, 2020 8:02 am EST
Canada is China’s second-biggest target for coercive diplomacy, according to th
e Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
The Canberra-based defence and strategic policy think tank has just published a
report that closely traces how China’s Communist dictatorship shamelessly use
s bullying to try to achieve political and economic advantage and support its ex
pansionist plans.
ASPI’s research has not turned up anything particularly new about how China ope
rates overseas. What was a revelation is the breathtaking scale of China’s coer
cion. The 152 open-source cases that the academics looked at demonstrate the glo
be-girdling ambitions of Beijing’s “us against the world” foreign policy. It
focuses on eight common tactics that it says China uses to try to force other co
untries to submit to its wishes.
Of the 27 countries targeted by China, Australia has been hit 17 times, followed
by Canada, which has been targeted in 10 attacks, and the U.S., which has been
targeted nine times.
The institute’s findings help explain the Australian government’s rapidly emer
ging policy of standing up to China’s bellicosity. Canberra’s tough stance is
in stark contrast to Ottawa’s flaccid, conciliatory approach to dealing with Be
ijing’s provocations and mendacity, which have gotten Canada nowhere.
President Xi Jinping’s frequent modus operandi is to have foreign ministry spok
esmen, ambassadors and state media insult, menace and use inflammatory language
against countries that displease it. These presage reprisals such official bans
on agricultural products and unofficial boycotts on automobile exports.
As Canadians have been shocked to discover over the past two years, Beijing now
almost routinely kidnaps foreign nationals to further national aims and cuts off
imports such as pork, beef or canola for often contrived reasons such as unprov
en risks to public health.
One early example of China’s cutthroat diplomacy was a ban in 2010 on imports o
f Norwegian salmon because it objected to a Nobel peace prize being presented to
a Chinese dissident in Oslo. More recently, Australian barley and wine have bee
n targeted. The reason this time: Canberra had the temerity to seek an internati
onal investigation into whether Beijing initially covered up the lethality of th
e coronavirus and how it was transmitted after it began infecting people in Wuha
n last December.
South Korea ran afoul of China over its installation of U.S.-made anti-missile d
efences. For this transgression, popular Korean singers and actors were refused
entry to China, Korean stores in China were boycotted, and Chinese tourists were
ordered to steer clear of Korea.
Similar bans have been imposed at times on Chinese citizens travelling to the Ph
ilippines and even the tiny Pacific atoll of Palau. Chinese tourists have also b
een told from time to time to stop visiting democratic Taiwan for a number of re
asons, but mostly when tensions flare over the island state’s refusal to accept
that it is a province of China.
Then there is Huawei’s 5G network. China has threatened unspecified retaliation
against many countries, including minnows such as the Faroe Islands, if the She
nzhen-based telecoms giant is not allowed to install telephone systems that west
ern intelligence services believe can be used to spy on the host nation.
Threatening grave business repercussions, China has also convinced airlines such
as Air Canada to omit Taiwan from its maps and caused the National Basketball A
ssociation to make grovelling apologies for having allegedly hurt the feelings o
f the Chinese people because one team’s general manager tweeted support for dem
onstrators in Hong Kong.
Aside from Canada, Japan and Australia have had their nationals seized and throw
n into China’s opaque, politically rigged legal system. The most recent Austral
ian case involves the disappearance in Beijing late last month of a Chinese-Aust
ralian television anchor.
Sweden’s relations with China are especially strained. They were first poisoned
years ago when a Swedish-Chinese writer and publisher was jailed for criticizin
g China. The day before the author, Gui Minhai, was to be awarded a prize this y
ear by Sweden’s PEN, China’s ambassador to Stockholm, Gui Congyou, told Swedis
h Public Radio: “We treat our friends with fine wine, but for our enemies we ha
ve shotguns.”
Channelling the crude messaging of China’s former ambassador to Canada, Lu Shay
e, who accused his host nation of “white supremacy” in calling for the release
of the Two Michaels, Gui Congyou threatened to ban Sweden’s Prime Minister Ste
fan Lofven and foreign minister Ann Lind from his country if they showed at the
ceremony honouring Gui Minhai. They were present, of course, causing even greate
r Chinese anger.
China is most sensitive to criticisms of its designs on Taiwan and its brazen cl
aim to most of the South China Sea and parts of the East China Sea. A visit to T
aiwan by Czech officials over the past few days has been the latest incident tha
t has China in a tizzy and threatening major recriminations.
Other sore points include any overseas discussion of China’s gross mistreatment
of Tibetans, Falun Gong followers, the Uighur Muslim minority and now, how Beij
ing is eliminating Hong Kong’s remaining freedoms and detaining critics who try
to leave the supposedly semi-autonomous enclave.
ASPI has suggested the best way to monitor and take collective security measures
against Chinese intimidation may be through greater sharing of information amon
g the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
the U.K. and the U.S.). But because so much of what China does takes place in th
e Indo-Pacific it would also be prudent to expand information-sharing beyond ano
ther intelligence grouping known as the Quad (Australia, India, Japan and the U.
Canada has not taken any strong independent position on Chinese misdeeds and has
chosen to exclude itself from the Quad. Another omission is that Ottawa does no
t want to be a party to an agreement currently being negotiated between India, J
apan and Australia to reduce supply chain independence on China especially in ke
y areas such as pharmaceuticals and health-care supplies.
Getting chummier with India makes sense for Canada for many reasons including th
e trade opportunities there. It could also show solidarity with Delhi whose rela
tions with China are now in a parlous state. This has been highlighted by a pote
ntially explosive border dispute with China in the Himalayas, where an Indian co
mmando was killed a few days ago defending Indian territory.
China must reckon coercion works because until now it has mostly had its way. Ra
ther than resist China by itself, it makes far more sense for Canada to show uni
ty with the Five Eyes, seek membership in the Quad and pursue new trade agreemen
ts across Asia.
Like-minded countries must frequently compare notes about China and devise commo
n strategies to confront its taunts and hardball tactics. Otherwise, Xi’s repre
ssive schemes will inevitably triumph.
Matthew Fisher is an international affairs columnist and foreign correspondent w
ho has worked abroad for 35 years. You can follow him on Twitter at @mfisherover
禁止對挪威的鮭魚輸入,基於毫無根據的理由 (劉曉波的諾貝爾獎)