※ 引述《ensuey (*^-^*)》之銘言:
: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/unraveling-latest-deep-state-coup/
: The U.S. Army did not conduct a raid in Germany on either Scytl or Dominion
: offices or servers. They are foreign nationals and we must operate in
: accordance with German law. Moreover, the U.S. Army does not have law
: enforcement powers with respect to such entities.
: So what happened? I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of
: USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an
: operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to
: the CIA, not Dominion or Scytl. The U.S. military has full authority to do
: this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted
: using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the
: German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or
: consultants.
: 米國前情報人員表示
: 被突襲的伺服器應不是Scytl or Dominion,而是CIA的伺服器
: 大概類似於抓內鬼的意思
美國全國 小 glitch
結果 共和黨才是當選人
全美各地還真多小錯誤 小瑕疵
然後都不用解釋的 對吧?