IBIZA (溫一壺月光作酒)
2020-12-02 09:17:46※ 引述《antiyahoo (民族自強 港台獨立)》之銘言:
: CNN被爆料
: 指出他們要控制川普不認輸的報導
: 請問某幾個常駐政黑的川黑打手
: 怎麼解釋你們所說
: 主流媒體公正的推論?
: https://bit.ly/3mp1rHj
And I just keep hearing the same thing both from Republicians
who have not come out to congratulate Biden, but also to those
who have and the Democrats and that is that we have to be. you
know news organizations have to be very careful and very
responsible about not to giving Trump too much of a platform on
his not conceding because they feel the transtion can go forward
, and you know, other than the national security briefing. which
are critical to start now. they just don't want us to exaggerate
that Trump isn't leaving office, and I'm going to have a lot of
specific reporting on that later today but just big picture,
wanted to underscore what Michael had said.
, 就是民主黨人, 也是我們必須要做的, 就是新聞媒體必須非常小心、非
常負責的不要給予川普輸不起太多報導, 因為他們認為除了國家安全會報
以外的交接工作還是能進行, 目前開始進行的工作事關重大, 他們希望我
們不要誇大報導川普不肯離開的新聞, 今天晚些時候我將有很多具體報導
, 但只是大方向,以上只是強調Michael剛剛說的話
聽起來很負責任啊, 為了交接順利與國家安全, 所以不要去攻擊川普輸不起
事實上後面那一段還提到, 之前因為交接不順利所以造成了911事件
另外, 你引用的這則推文往下翻回應, 前幾頁都是一面倒稱讚CNN的處理