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2020-12-22 10:15:03※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1VuLF93Q ]
作者: RW2010 (Guidance) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [爆卦] 抓到了 美國大選死人投票
時間: Tue Dec 22 10:02:42 2020
根據 Business Insider的新聞報導
賓州檢察官起訴了 70歲的布魯斯 巴特曼
原因是巴特曼 使用了他過世的母親的名義去登記選票
"抱歉剛剛寫成岳母 原因是因為巴特曼事實上用了他過世的母親跟岳母的身分去註冊
結果岳母被標註為已過世 但是他母親沒有"
這是美國多起疑似死人投票控訴中 目前唯一一個被確定起訴的案件
今天是川粉們勝利的一天 總算是證明了有死人投票這件事情
Officials finally found a case of a dead person voting, accusing a Republican
of pretending to be his dead mom to vote for Trump
Officials have found a case of a dead person voting.
Bruce Bartman has been charged with unlawful voting and perjury over
allegations that he pretended to be his dead mother to cast a ballot in the
November election for President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania.
Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer announced the charges in a
press release Monday. Bartman was arraigned Friday and released on $100,000
bail, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. If convicted on all charges, the
70-year-old Bartman could spend up to 19 years in prison.
"This is the only known case of a 'dead person' voting in our county,
conspiracy theories notwithstanding," Stollsteimer said in a statement. "
Further, the prompt prosecution of this case shows that law enforcement will
continue to uphold our election laws whenever presented with actual evidence of
fraud and that we will continue to investigate every allegation that that
comes our way."
Prosecutors said Bartman registered two dead people — his mother, Elizabeth
Bartman, and his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Weihman — as Republican voters in
August. He used the state's online voter-registration portal, which allows
residents to register to vote using their driver's license number or the last
four digits of their Social Security number, prosecutors said.
He used his mother-in-law's Social Security number to register, which was
flagged in the state system as belonging to someone who is dead, prosecutors
added, but the software sent a letter addressed to her to confirm whether she
was alive. Bartman lied on the form and pretended to be Weihman, prosecutors
said, but ultimately did not request an absentee ballot in her name.
Bartman also registered his dead mother to vote and ultimately successfully
cast a ballot for Trump and other Republicans in her name, prosecutors said.
Voter fraud is extremely rare in the US. A database maintained by the
conservative Heritage Foundation found only 193 convicted cases of voter fraud
between 2000 and 2020, during which about 250 million votes were cast.
Republicans frequently make baseless claims that voter fraud has a larger scope
and scale, while pushing for laws that would make it harder for people to vote
"For all the conspiracy theorists out there, this case today does not represent
widespread voter fraud," Stollsteimer told The Philadelphia Inquirer. "This
case was evidence that one person committed voter fraud by casting an improper
and illegal ballot."
President-elect Joe Biden won Delaware County by about 78,000 votes and won the
overall popular vote by about 7 million votes. Trump and his political allies
have filed 40 lawsuits challenging election results — some of them alleging
fraud — and none of them have succeeded.
In Delaware County, a task force composed of prosecutors, detectives, and other
investigators has looked into voter-fraud complaints made to the board of
Out of the hundreds of tips it received, Bartman was the only one that was
substantiated, First Assistant District Attorney Tanner Rouse told The Inquirer
"In the hundreds of calls we received and the hundreds of visits we made, we
only found one instance of malfeasance, and that was Mr. Bartman," Rouse said.
"And he will be prosecuted."
Samuel Stretton, Bartman's lawyer, told The Inquirer his client took
responsibility for his actions.
"In his political frustration, he chose to do something stupid," Stretton told
The Inquirer. "And for that he is very sorry."