※ 引述《cowardlyman (有功夫無懦夫)》之銘言: : 1.媒體來源: : 聯合新聞網 : 2.記者署名: : 2021-03-29 12:12中央社 布魯塞爾29日綜合外電報導 : 3.完整新聞標題: : 歐盟科學諮詢機構:核電符合綠能投資 : 4.完整新聞內文: 原文連結:https://reurl.cc/g8laZp 首先這篇報導帶風向的成分很高 外電原標題: EU experts to say nuclear power qualifies for green investment label: document 明明就綠色投資標章 聯合到底在翻什麼鬼 總之原文講得很清楚 its sustainable finance taxonomy, which will decide which economic activities can be labelled as a sustainable investment in the EU, 也就是只要被列為永續活動分類,就是歐盟認可可投資的項目 但不等於就是綠能投資阿聯合報... 另外聯合(故意?)不翻譯本篇外電的下一段 EU countries are also split over how the taxonomy should treat investments in natural gas. After a plan to exclude gas faced pushback from pro-gas countries, the Commission this month drafted plans to label some gas as sustainable - splintering countries between those who support the fuel as an alternative to more-polluting coal, and those who say new gas plants risk locking in emissions for decades, thwarting climate goals. 完全跳過天然氣也是歐盟在本月提出草案將天然氣列為永續分類 : https://money.udn.com/money/story/5599/5351041 : 6.備註: : 歐盟證實核電和核廢儲存的安全性 : 綠粉說說,還有什麼理由反對核能!?? 這篇帶風向的比例太重了 實在可怕啊