[新聞] MOH to allow special access to othe

作者: purue (purue)   2021-06-01 10:58:42
MOH to allow special access to other Covid-19 vaccines through private sector to
boost coverage
SINGAPORE - The Ministry of Health (MOH) will allow access to other Covid-19 vac
cines under the Special Access Route (SAR) in order to enhance the overall vacci
nation coverage.
These vaccines include the ones from Johnson & Johnson, Oxford-AstraZeneca and S
inopharm, and will be made available through the private healthcare sector.
They are already in use in other countries.
The authorities will allow the SAR to be used for the supply of Covid-19 vacci
nes that have been approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to be on its
emergency-use listing (EUL).
The use of such vaccines should be according to WHO's EUL-approved indications a
nd age groups.
Once the vaccine is included on the list, a private licensed healthcare institut
ion can bring it in to administer to individuals in Singapore, Health Minister O
ng Ye Kung, co-chair of the multi-ministry task force on Covid-19, said at a med
ia conference on Monday (May 31).
This means that China’s Sinovac vaccine, which uses traditional “killed virus
” or inactivated vaccine technology, can be used here if it is on the list.
Singapore had received a shipment of the vaccine in February 2021.
"As and when the WHO approves the Sinovac vaccine under its emergency-use list,
the licensed healthcare institution can apply to MOH to draw on our existing sto
ck of 200,000 doses to administer to those who wish to have it," said Mr Ong.
The SAR is an existing process for the import and supply of unregistered medicin
es to address unmet medical needs in unique and special circumstances.
Such use of SAR for these unregistered pandemic vaccines will be time-limited,
for the duration of the pandemic.
The vaccines by Johnson & Johnson and Oxford-AstraZena, which are viral vector v
accines, have been linked to reports of extremely rare but potentially life-thre
atening blood clots. The Sinopharm vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, like Sinov
Like all other medicines supplied under the SAR, the doctor administering the va
ccine and the patient should discuss the risks and benefits of using vaccines no
t registered or authorised by the Health Sciences Authority and jointly make an
informed decision.
Patients will also need to sign an informed consent form to acknowledge that the
y have discussed the vaccine with their doctor and accept all responsibility for
the risks.
The Government will not subsidise vaccines administered under the SAR, and perso
ns vaccinated under the process will not be eligible for the Vaccine Injury Fin
ancial Assistance Programme for Covid-19 Vaccination.
In another move aimed at allowing more people here to be vaccinated, MOH said it
is reviewing its current position where those with known anaphylaxis are restri
cted from taking either of the two mRNA vaccines approved for use here.
These vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are very safe and have a very hi
gh efficacy rate of 95 per cent and 94 per cent respectively. However, more than
30,000 individuals are unable to take these two vaccines due to medical reasons
, said Mr Ong.
He noted that some people want alternate vaccines because of their history of a
naphylaxis, which restricts them from taking mRNA vaccines.
The expert committee on Covid-19 vaccination is reviewing the restriction for t
hose who are not allergic to the mRNA vaccine or its components, but other subst
ances like seafood, painkiller and antibiotics.
The review will take about two weeks and is aimed at allowing more people to get
the vaccine, Mr Ong said.
Read next: 6 key announcements from PM Lee Hsien Loong's address on Covid-19 pla
作者: MicChung (Auferstanden aus Ruinen)   2021-06-01 11:10:00
作者: waijr (時差13HR)   2021-06-01 11:20:00

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