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: 快訊/美國宣布疫苗捐贈計畫!6月給亞洲700萬劑「台灣在名單內」
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: 記者鄒鎮宇/綜合報導
: 美國首席防疫專家佛奇(Anthony Fauci)在台灣時間3日晚間,於白宮新冠防疫小組記者
: 會中宣布,將於6月分配8000萬劑疫苗給全球,其中亞洲國家可分配700萬劑,名單有台灣
: 、印度、尼泊爾、孟加拉國、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、阿富汗、馬爾地夫、馬來西亞、菲律
: 賓、越南、印度尼西亞、泰國、寮國、巴布亞新幾內亞和太平洋島嶼,但各個國家分配數
: 量尚未說明。
: 美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)2日曾表示,總統拜登最快3日會宣布捐贈疫苗的細
: 節。其中,疫苗配送計畫將與COVAX疫苗共享機制協調,以需求為基礎,不附帶任何政治條
: 件。
: 5.附註、心得、想法︰
: ※ 40字心得、備註 ※
: 美國決定八千萬捐給COVAX和世界各國
: 亞洲部分則是七百萬分給十幾個國家
: 台灣能拿到的應該不多
: 我猜有二十萬
The U.S. announced the proposed allocation plan for the first 25 Million doses. Based on the framework above and pending legal and regulatory approvals, the United States plans to send our first tranche of 25 million doses:
Nearly 19 million will be shared through COVAX, with the following allocations:
Approximately 6 million for South and Central America to the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, and other Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, as well as the Dominican Republic.
Approximately 7 million for Asia to the following countries and entities: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Maldives, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, and the Pacific Islands.
Approximately 5 million for Africa to be shared with countries that will be selected in coordination with the African Union.
Approximately 6 million will be targeted toward regional priorities and partner recipients, including Mexico, Canada, and the Republic of Korea, West Bank and Gaza, Ukraine, Kosovo, Haiti, Georgia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Yemen, as well as for United Nations frontline workers.