[討論] iOS15新功能Private Relay不會在中國上線

作者: JellyKing (Lee DoRa)   2021-06-08 13:25:47
2021年將發表的新iOS 15
包含一項全新的隱私功能 "Private Relay" (隱私中繼)
根據路透社的報導 這項功能的原理為:
Apple's "private relay" feature first sends web traffic to a server maintained
by Apple, where it is stripped of a piece of information called an IP address.
From there, Apple sends the traffic to a second server maintained by a third-
party operator who assigns the user a temporary IP address and sends the
traffic onward to its destination website.
The use of an outside party in the second hop of the relay system is
intentional, Apple said, to prevent even Apple from knowing both the user's
identity and what website the user is visiting.
看起來很類似進階的VPN 只是由蘋果提供
使用者上網時可以透過蘋果提供的"身分"(IP) 取代原本的電信商IP
藉此達到去識別化 避免追蹤或被指認
但是由於網路監管(regulatory reasons)的原因
此外 白羅斯 哥倫比亞 埃及 哈薩克 沙烏地阿拉伯 南非 土庫曼 烏干達 菲律賓
"Apple's new 'private relay' feature will not be available in China"
路透社 20210608 Stephen NellisParesh Dave
縮 https://reurl.cc/6aE0NV
作者: H2 (oh!my志玲)   2021-06-08 13:27:00
作者: labell (￾ ︠ ￾ﰠ￾臈I
慘 還好台灣國際板
作者: william7713 (..)   2021-06-08 13:31:00
哭 以後ptt不能抓蟑螂了
作者: ckain (Gilgamesh)   2021-06-08 13:45:00

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