[新聞] Taiwan's Foxconn, TSMC confirm $350 m

作者: geordie (Geordie)   2021-07-12 10:25:03
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Taiwan's Foxconn, TSMC confirm $350 mln COVID-19 vaccine deal
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TAIPEI, July 12 (Reuters) - Taiwan's Foxconn (2317.TW) and TSMC (2330.TW) sa
id on Monday they had reached deals to buy 10 million doses of Germany's Bio
NTech SE's (22UAy.DE) COVID-19 vaccine, putting the total cost of the highly
politicised deal at around $350 million.
Taiwan's government has tried for months to buy the vaccine directly from Bi
oNTech and has blamed China, which claims the self-ruled island as its own t
erritory, for nixing an agreement the two sides were due to sign earlier thi
s year. China denies the accusations.
Last month, facing public pressure about the slow pace of Taiwan's inoculati
on programme, the government agreed to allow Foxconn's founder Terry Gou, as
well as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), to negotiate on its b
ehalf for the vaccines.
BioNTech's Chinese sales agent Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (6
00196.SS) said on Sunday that an agreement had been signed, though no detail
s of a delivery timeframe have been revealed yet.
Gou wrote on his Facebook page that he was "gratified" the deal had been com
pleted, which will see Foxconn and TSMC each buy 5 million doses, to be dona
ted to the government for distribution.
"But we can't relax, because we will continue to work hard to push for the d
elivery time and quantity," he said, adding the vaccines will come directly
from Germany.
"However, this batch of vaccines delivered directly from the German factory
I believe will help Taiwanese society to increase confidence and offer respi
te in the face of the epidemic."
TSMC and Foxconn are major Apple Inc (AAPL.O) suppliers.
Taiwan's government said it would comment later on Monday.
Gou said Beijing did not interfere in the talks.
"During the negotiation period after my donation was proposed, there was no
guidance or interference from the Beijing authorities in the mainland on the
vaccine procurement process."
A person familiar with the negotiations said the first batch of vaccine is e
xpected in September at the earliest, but it was not immediately clear how m
any doses could be delivered.
The German firm has yet to comment, and Fosun deleted an earlier statement f
rom its WeChat account citing BioNTech Chief Executive Ugur Sahin as saying
the company was "very grateful" to be able to supply the vaccine to Taiwan.
Fosun did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why those comm
ents were removed.
The BioNTech vaccine drama has transfixed Taiwan and dominated headlines. A
major Taiwanese Buddhist group, the Tzu Chi Foundation, is also trying to bu
y the shots.
Taiwan has millions of vaccines on order, mainly from AstraZeneca Plc (AZN.L
) and Moderna Inc (MRNA.O), while the United States and Japan have together
donated almost five million doses to the island to help speed up vaccination
The person familiar with the talks said the involvement of TSMC and the unco
nditional U.S. and Japanese vaccine donations had created a global environme
nt that was favourable to Taiwan and made it hard for China to obstruct the
Around one-tenth of Taiwan's 23.5 million people have received at least one
of the two-shot regimen, though Taiwan's own relatively small domestic coron
avirus outbreak is now largely under control.
Reporting by Ben Blanchard and Yimou Lee; Additional reporting by Beijing ne
wsroom; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman and Kim Coghill
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
※ 40字心得、備註 ※
簡單講就是把台灣購買BNT 的疫苗的經過再講一次,
3.The person familiar with the talks said the involvement of TSMC and the un
conditional U.S. and Japanese vaccine donations had created a global environ
ment that was favourable to Taiwan and made it hard for China to obstruct th
e deal.
作者: MonkeyCL (猴總召)   2021-07-12 10:26:00
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作者: viabu (落磯山)   2021-07-12 10:29:00
作者: geordie (Geordie)   2021-07-12 10:31:00
作者: sobiNOva (星星徹夜未眠)   2021-07-12 10:31:00
美日捐台灣疫苗所以中國不得不賣台灣 可以啊多捐一點啦 糙你媽 台灣還想買更多
作者: ramirez   2021-07-12 10:33:00
消息人士..哈哈 反正都是台積電介入才成的 不是郭董
作者: geordie (Geordie)   2021-07-12 10:36:00
作者: cutbear123 (皇帝熊)   2021-07-12 11:00:00
美元吧== 外電有在用台幣計算嗎

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