hankwtc (hankkong)
2021-07-29 18:41:40偉大的玄天、眾神之尊、宇宙的統治者,我大柯p再次展現其尊爵不凡的靈性
Why Taiwan Is Beating COVID-19 – Again
" In today’s context, the mayor of Taiwan, Ko Wen-je, has been chastised b
y media personalities, politicians, and voters for his relatively poor perform
ance in fighting the outbreak. They criticized Ko for not taking contact traci
ng and testing seriously enough to contain localized outbreaks at markets, for
failing to establish a proper vaccine distribution system, and pushing the bl
ame for the persistent community transmission on the ground to anyone but hims
elf. Elected as a populist, the physician-turned-mayor saw his approval number
s for pandemic control falling almost 7 percentage points from June to July 20
21, the most significant fall among all mayors. Ongoing criticism has spurred
Ko to accept the help of medical experts from the CDC reluctantly. They have s
ought to improve anti-pandemic efforts on the ground with the assistance of th
e vice mayor of Taipei."
1, 只想與中央對抗,不專心防疫
2, 責任都推給別人
3, 不疫調
4, 壞事33, 好事阿狽
5, 疫苗都不會分配
6, 阿狽基於分享成功經驗,讓CDC到場觀摩!
做為未來的台灣總統候選人,玄天阿狽是不是又成功的製造了聲量? 是不是又讓DPP瑟瑟
發抖? 連外國媒體都知道阿狽將神君降臨這個島嶼,阿狽的神蹟將流傳於世!