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Black holes surrounded by massive, energy-harvesting structures could power
alien civilizations
By Ian Randall Aug. 16, 2021 , 4:50 PM
被巨大的能量收集結構們 包圍的黑洞們 可以為外星文明們提供動力
作者:伊恩·蘭德爾 2021 年 8 月 16 日下午 4:50
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In the long-running TV show Doctor Who, aliens known as time lords derived their power from the captured heart of a black hole, which provided energy for their planet and time travel technology. The idea has merit, according to a new study. Researchers have shown that highly advanced alien civilizations could theoretically build megastructures called Dyson spheres around black holes to harness their energy, which can be 100,000 times that of our Sun. The work could even give us a way to detect the
existence of these extraterrestrial societies.
在長期播放的電視節目神秘博士中,被稱為時間領主的外星人從捕獲的黑洞心臟中獲取力量,為他們的星球和時間旅行技術提供能量。根據一項新的研究,這個想法是有價值的。研究人員表明,高度先進的外星文明理論上可以在黑洞周圍建造稱為戴森球的巨型結構,以利用它們的能量,其能量可能是我們太陽的 100,000 倍。這項工作甚至可以為我們提供一種方法來檢測這些外星社會的存在。
“I like these speculations about what advanced civilizations might do,” says Tom?? Opatrn?, a physicist at Palack? University Olomouc, who was not involved with the work but agrees that a Dyson sphere around a black hole would provide its builders with lots of power.
“我喜歡這些關於先進文明可能會做什麼的猜測,”帕拉茨基大學奧洛穆茨的物理學家 Tom?? Opatrn? 說,他沒有參與這項工作,但同意圍繞黑洞的戴森球將為它的建造者們提供大量的能量。
If humanity’s energy demands continue to grow, a point will come when our power consumption approaches, or even exceeds, the total energy available to our planet. So argued physicist Freeman Dyson way back in 1960. Borrowing from British sci-fi author Olaf Stapledon, Dyson proposed that any sufficiently advanced civilization that wanted to survive would need to build massive structures around stars that could harness their energy.
如果人類的能源需求繼續增長,那麼當我們的能源消耗接近甚至超過地球可用的總能源時,就會出現一個臨界點。早在 1960 年,物理學家弗里曼·戴森 (Freeman Dyson) 就這麼認為。 戴森從英國科幻作家奧拉夫·斯台普登 (Olaf Stapledon) 那裡借用,提出任何想要生存的足夠先進的文明都需要在恆星周圍建造巨大的結構,以利用它們的能量。
Most of these Dyson spheres involve numerous satellites orbiting or sitting motionlessly around a star. (A solid shell totally encasing a solar body—as envisioned in a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode—is considered mechanically impossible, because of the gravity and pressure from the central star.) Such megastructures would have to transform that solar energy into usable energy, a process that creates waste heat. This heat shows up in the midinfrared spectrum,
and stars with an excess infrared signal have become a key target in the search for extraterrestrial life.
這些戴森球中的大多數都涉及眾多圍繞恆星運行或靜止不動的衛星。 (完全包圍太陽體的固體外殼——正如《星際迷航:下一代》中所設想的那樣——在機械上被認為是不可能的,因為來自中央恆星的重力和壓力。)這樣的巨型結構必須將太陽能轉化為可用的能量能源,一個產生廢熱的過程。這種熱量出現在中紅外光譜中,
But astronomer Tiger Hsiao of National Tsing Hua University says we might be looking for the wrong thing.
In a new study, he and colleagues set out to calculate whether it would also be possible to use a Dyson sphere
around a black hole. They analyzed black holes of three different sizes: those five, 20, and 4 million times the mass of our Sun.
These, respectively, reflect the lower and upper limits of black holes known to have formed from the collapse of massive stars
—and the even more enormous mass of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive massive black hole thought to lurk at the center of the Milky Way.
但國立清華大學的天文學家Tiger Hsiao表示,我們可能正在尋找錯誤的東西。
質量是我們的太陽質量的 5、20 和 400 萬倍的黑洞。這些分別反映了已知由大質量恆星坍縮形成的黑洞的下限和上限
——以及甚至更大質量的人馬座 A*,這個超大質量黑洞被認為潛伏在銀河系的中心.
Black holes are typically thought of as consumers rather than producers of energy.
Yet their huge gravitational fields can generate power through several theoretical processes.
These include the radiation emitted from the accumulation of gas around the hole,
the spinning “accretion” disk of matter slowly falling toward the event horizon,
the relativistic jets of matter and energy that shoot out along the hole’s axis of rotation,
and Hawking radiation—a theoretical way that black holes can lose mass, releasing energy in the process.
From their calculations, Hsiao and colleagues concluded that the accretion disk, surrounding gas, and jets of black holes
can all serve as viable energy sources. In fact, the energy from the accretion disk alone of a stellar black hole of 20 solar masses
could provide the same amount of power as Dyson spheres around 100,000 stars, the team will report next month in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Were a supermassive black hole harnessed, the energy it could provide might be 1 million times larger still.
根據他們的計算,Hsiao 及其同事得出結論,吸積盤、周圍氣體和黑洞噴流都可以作為可行的能源。
事實上,該團隊將在下個月的《皇家天文學會月刊》上報告說,僅來自 20 個太陽質量的恆星黑洞吸積盤的能量
就可以提供予戴森球體大約 100,000 顆恆星相同的能量。
如果利用超大質量黑洞,它所能提供的能量可能還要大 100 萬倍。
If such technology is at work, there may be a way to spot it. According to the researchers,
the waste heat signal from a so-called “hot” Dyson sphere—
one somehow capable of surviving temperatures in excess of 3000 kelvin, above the melting point of known metals—
around a stellar mass black hole in the Milky Way would be detectible at ultraviolet wavelengths.
Such signals might be found in the data from various telescopes, including NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and Galaxy Evolution Explorer, Hsiao says.
該球體以某種方式能夠在超過 3000 開爾文的溫度下存活,高於已知金屬們的熔點——
圍繞銀河系中的一個恆星質量黑洞在紫外線波長下可以檢測到。 Hsiao 說,這些信號可能會在來自各種望遠鏡的數據中找到,
Meanwhile, a “solid” Dyson sphere—operating below 3000 kelvin—could be picked up in the infrared by, for example, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey or the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer.
The latter is no stranger to looking for the infrared signals of traditional, star-based Dyson spheres. But, like all other such searches, it has yet to find anything conclusive.
與此同時,一個“固體”戴森球體——在 3000 開爾文以下運行——可以在紅外線裡被(譬如) 史隆數位化巡天(位在新墨西哥州) 或 廣域紅外巡天探測器 等探測到(看到)。
Opatrn? says using the radiation from accretion disks would be particularly clever,
because the disks convert energy more efficiently than the thermonuclear reaction in conventional stars.
Aliens concerned with the sustainability of their power supply, he suggests, might be better off encapsulating
small stars that burn their fuel slowly. However, he continued, “The fast-living civilizations feeding on black hole accretion disks would be easier to spot from the huge amount of waste heat they produce.”
Opatrn? 說使用吸積盤的輻射會特別聰明,因為吸積盤比傳統恆星中的熱核反應更有效地轉換能量。
他建議,關心他們的電力供應的可持續性的外星人們 可能最好封裝(一些)緩慢燃燒燃料的小恆星們。
Inoue Makoto, an astrophysicist from the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, says regular black holes could support so-called type II civilizations, whose total energy requirements match those of an entire star system. Supermassive black holes, he adds, could fuel type III civilizations, whose power consumption would equal that emitted by an entire galaxy.
中央研究院天文與天體物理研究所的天體物理學家井上誠說,普通黑洞可以支持所謂的 II 型文明,其總能量需求與整個恆星系統的能量需求相匹配。他補充說,超大質量黑洞可以為 III 型文明提供燃料,其能量消耗相當於整個星系排放的能量。
As for what the aliens might use this energy for, Opatrn? has some thoughts. “Mining cryptocurrency, playing computer games, or just feeding the ever-growing bureaucracy?” he jokingly muses. Either way, maybe the time lords were onto something after all.
至於外星人可能會使用這種能量做什麼,Opatrn? 有一些想法。 “挖掘加密貨幣,玩電腦遊戲,還是只是養活不斷增長的官僚機構?”他開玩笑地沉思。無論哪種方式,也許時間領主們畢竟是在做某事。
Posted in: Space
※ 40字心得、備註 ※
Dyson去年2020年 228 那天去世。1960年,Dyson約37歲。