仔細翻了一下美國FDA給Abbott AdviseDx SARS-CoV-2 IgG II的仿單與EUA letter
https://www.fda.gov/media/146371/download 有以下字句
Prescription Use only
The product is intended for use as an aid in identifying individuals with an
adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2, indicating recent or prior infection.
At this time, it is unknown for how long antibodies persist following infection
and if the presence of antibodies confers protective immunity.
Semi-quantitative results from your product should not be interpreted as an
indication or degree of immunity or protection from reinfection.
Samples should only be tested from individuals that are 15 days or more post
symptom onset.
本產品的結果是拿來指示 最近的SARS-CoV-2病毒感染或先前有感染過