1.轉錄網址︰https://bit.ly/3yqycw5 2.轉錄來源︰https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights 標題:PASSING OF PAEDIATRIC PATIENT WITH COVID-19 INFECTION ※ FB公眾人物、FB粉絲團名稱、其他來源 ※ 3.轉錄內容︰ The Ministry of Health (MOH) has been alerted that a one-and-a-half year-old male Singaporean who had COVID-19 infection has passed away on 27 June 2022. The cause of death was Encephalitis due to COVID-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Enterovirus infections. This is Singapore’s first death caused by COVID in a patient aged below 12 years old. 2. The patient had no other past medical history and was previously well. He presented at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) Children’s Emergency Department on the night of 21 June 2022 with high fever and recurrent seizures, with a subsequent drop in consciousness. He was admitted to the Children’s Intensive Care Unit in critical condition on 22 June 2022, and was diagnosed with severe Meningoencephalitis. The polymerase chain reaction test for the patient was positive for COVID-19 as well as two other viruses – Rhinovirus/Enterovirus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus. 3. COVID-19 can result in severe disease, even in children and those without pre-existing medical conditions. Vaccination substantially reduces the likelihood of severe disease when one is infected. All children aged 5 to 11 years are recommended to be vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty vaccine, especially children with underlying chronic medical conditions. MOH, the Health Sciences Authority and the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination will study the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines that have been formulated for young children under the age of 5 once the dossier is submitted to us for evaluation by the manufacturers. 4. MOH extends our deepest condolences to the patient’s family. We understand that KKH is in contact with the family to provide the necessary support. ※ 請完整轉載原文 請勿修改內文與編排 ※ 4.附註、心得、想法︰ ※ 40字心得、備註 ※ 1.新加坡衛生部回報一名1歲半的確診男童公民在6/27死亡 因為Covid-19造成腦炎(Encephalitis)而死亡 本例也是新加坡在12歲以下年齡層的第一名死亡病例 2.本病例無慢性病史 6/21晚上因為高燒和癲癇就醫(KK婦幼醫院的兒童急診部門) 6/22入住兒童ICU病房,診斷出嚴重腦膜腦炎(Meningoencephalitis) PCR檢驗結果,有三個病毒呈現陽性: Covid-19 腸病毒(Rhinovirus/Enterovirus) 呼吸道融合病毒(Respiratory Syncytial Virus, 簡寫RSV) (這部分要詳見新加坡疫苗的核可狀態) 3.基本上5-11歲兒童都建議接種輝瑞BNT疫苗, 特別是免疫狀況不好的兒童病患更建議接種。 (這句可能要請有看到的大大們檢查一下 我不太確定能不能這樣寫) 目前專家會議正在研究5歲以下的幼兒接種疫苗的安全性和有效性, 一旦廠商提供相關數據會更進一步的審查 (對照原文: MOH, the Health Sciences Authority and the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination will study the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines that have been formulated for young children under the age of 5 once the dossier is submitted to us for evaluation by the manufacturers.) 補充說明: 新加坡在6/27發布了2篇新聞稿 新加坡回報兒童Covid-19死亡病例 (標題: Passing of Paediatric Patient With Covid-19 Infection) 還有因應BA.4和BA.5變異株造成的確診數上升 (標題:Preparing for Rise In Covid-19 Cases Driven by the Ba.4 and Ba.5 Subvariants) ※ 「Live」、「新聞」、「轉錄」此類文章每日發文數總上限為3篇, 自刪與板主刪除,同樣計入額度 ※