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郭台銘 05/13/2023
台灣有2,300萬人,誰最了解戰爭的可怕?誰最渴望和平?不是台銘, 不是任何過去三十
在兩岸間, 「九二共識」具備有高度的未來性,表示雙方同意對於「一中」的定義與長
個中國」、「一中一台」、 「一邊一國」等說法,並在創造流傳這些說法過程中,進行
我主張要在 「一中各表」的原則基礎上,站穩中華民國的立場和大陸重新展開談判。我
我會組成跨黨派、 跨族群、跨世代的談判團隊,重新開啟兩岸和平前景的談判大門。
Kinmen Peace Declaration
Terry Gou 5/13/2023
Taiwan has 23 million people. Who in Taiwan truly understands the horrors of
war? Who wants the peace most? Not Terry, nor any of the Presidents of the
Republic of China in Taiwan for the last thirty years. They are the people of
From 1949 on, and then the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, with incessant
bombardment to the shelling on odd days and rest on even days… The people of
Kinmen have suffered and sacrificed, some with their limbs, some even with
losses of family members. With courage and with pain, all of you have been
standing on the front line to bear the blunt and brutality of war to defend
Republic of China. The people of Kinmen, you are Taiwan’s saviors and our
protectors. You are the only reason why all of us in Taiwan can live in peace
and prosperity with economic growth and technology development!
The people of Taiwan cannot and should not forsake you and forget about your
sacrifices. Because of you, the people of Kinmen, Republic of China can enjoy
today’s peace.
I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt apologies and to pay
my highest tribute to your sacrifices, your sorrows and your pains in the last
seven decades.
If there is no Kinmen, there will be NO Taiwan, NO Republic of China! If
there is no Matsu, there will be NO Taiwan, NO Republic of China!
Now I am running for the KMT Party nomination for the Presidential election.
My campaign themes are “Peace”, “Prosperity” and “Integrity”. Among
them, peace is most important. Prosperity with a government of integrity can
bring happiness to the people, but that must be built on a solid foundation of
sustainable “peace” across the Strait.
The leaders of DPP, the incumbent party, including the President, the Party
chairman, its legislators and their party elites tend to play with provocative
questions such as: “Who is most hostile to Taiwan?”; “Who is sending
fighter jets and gunboats encircling Taiwan with frequent military exercises?
”; “Who has turned Taiwan into the most dangerous powder keg of the world?”
; and “Who has turned away foreign investors, or hampered international
business activities or high technology engagements?”
I want to address these questions directly and clearly. It is true that the
hostile force threatening our daily peace in the territory of Republic of
China from Taiwan to Penghu, to Kinmen to Matsu with encircling fighter jets
and gunboats pressing Taiwan into the edge of war is “our family across the
strait” and the “same Chinese people” of the government of the People’s
Republic of China.
This seems to be the obvious answer. However, besides the obvious, we have to
ask the following: “Why has China been so hostile to us lately?” “Even in
the first four years of Tsai’s administration, why were there no constant
military exercises with fighter jets and gunboats threatening Taiwan?” We
must ask, “why are they doing these at this point in time? What are they
targeting? Who has instigated this?”
Let me answer this directly and clearly. These threats are NOT meant for the
people of Taiwan. They are the direct reactions to the continuous
provocations in words and actions of DPP.
DPP has consistently denied all basic understandings across the strait for
peace and for negotiation; DPP has breached and broken all channels of
communications; DPP is getting farther and farther away from the common ground
of “one China with Respective Interpretations” in the “1992 Consensus”.
The incumbent party has created the crisis of today and has pushed Taiwan to
the brink of war.
“1992 Consensus” includes two important components of “One China” and “
Respective Interpretations”. “One China” refers to the “One China” in
the constitution of Republic of China. “One China” also refers to the “One
China” in the constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Even the “
Taiwan Relations Act” of the US also recognizes “One China”. Even though
numerous documents and declarations refer to “One China”, different parties
will have their respective interpretations of “One China”. This is the
essence of “One China with Respective Interpretations”, a muddled “common
consensus” to give peace a chance. This common consensus is not only a
fuddled understanding across the strait but is a direct byproduct of history.
This “One China with Respective Interpretations” has been a recognized
common consensus within the global community.
Across the strait, “1992 Consensus” has the element of futuristic
characteristics. This implies that both sides recognize the differences in
interpreting “One China” and differences in the long-term future of China.
While respecting the differences, both sides agreed to move forward
realistically and pragmatically on “business and administrative negotiations
without a political consensus on “One China””.
It is very clear that we had taken the initial step for negotiation. We
should have continued to negotiate. As a matter of fact, we had been
negotiating for more than twenty years since 1992. What happened? Why didn’
t we continue to negotiate? Instead, we are confronting each other to the
point of war. Regrettably, the DPP replaced the common consensus of “One
China with Respective Interpretations” with their own concepts of “Two China
”, “One China One Taiwan”, and “One Country on Each Side”. In the
process to create and promote these new concepts, DPP succeeded in promoting
hatred in Taiwan and creating opposition among ethnic groups to result in a
divisive Taiwan.
This is political manipulation to gradually change consensus to differences,
and to twist the differences into conflicts. Currently, DPP feels that the
people of Taiwan are under extreme anxiety of the pressing war. To align with
the swing voters, DPP changes their tune to “peace while protecting Taiwan”
and “oppose CCP, but not Chinese people”. In reality, DPP still insists on
irking China both in words and in deeds. The incumbent party has effectively
shut down all channels for the people of both sides to interact and to
communicate. How can the people of China and the international community
believe that their actions are only against the CCP and these actions are not
meant with hostility and enmity against the people of China?
My proposal is to use “One China with Respective Interpretations” as a
foundation of principle on which we stand the ground of Republic of China to
begin an earnest process of negotiations with mainland China. I am running
for the President of Republic of China. I stand to represent Republic of
China. There is no issue of Taiwan independence. Without the provocation of
Taiwan independence, the fighter jets and the gunboats from across the strait
should stay away from threatening Taiwan. As long as the fighter jets and
gunboats are away, both sides can sit down to talk. We can take our time to
work out the “Respective Interpretations of One China”. Both sides had
originally agreed to work on a set of comprehensive administrative and
business-related issues. If I am elected president, I will use the “One
China” definition from our constitution to begin a new round of grand
negotiations. There is no better place to begin this negotiation than Kinmen.
I will assemble a team of cross-party, cross-ethnic groups and cross-
generations to reopen and restart the peace negotiation from both sides. The
negotiation will be based on the principle of preserving Taiwan’s democracy,
freedom, rule of law and the respect towards the way of life of Taiwan’s 23
million citizens. We will use the utmost patience and whatever means to
facilitate the negotiation. We will negotiate in earnest to explore the
common grounds of processes and principles and go from there.
We want to show to the world the new Taiwan. Taiwan has the ability and the
capability to be a world class leader in technology and in economic
development. On the table of peace negotiation, we can show to the world that
we are equally capable to negotiate rationally and with restrain and
aspiration while maintaining our own integrity.
Here in Kinmen, Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China will
begin an earnest round of negotiations for peace without foreign intervention.
We will take however long to come up with a solution amendable to both sides
. We are prepared for that for the sake of peace across the strait. We are
equally prepared to reopen and to continue our regular communications and
interactions with mutual respect even when we have not reached a final
With patience and long-term and consistent negotiations, we still have to be
ready for the national security of Taiwan with the complete military
preparedness to protect Taiwan, including the research and development and the
procurement of top end armament. Strengthening the defense of Taiwan does
not mean we are seeking for war or waiting for war to break open or provoking
the wars to come.
Our soldiers are our brothers and sons. They are serving the country to
uphold the highest value of peace and democratic freedom. They are not meant
to be the disposable assets to sacrifice their lives for the wrong policies of
the politicians.
If I am elected president, I will immediately set up a permanent historical
park to house the “August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum” with the tolling
bell ringing to be vigilant and prudent about the inflictions of war. I will
also set up a permanent place for both sides to convene to negotiate. We do
not need to go anywhere else to negotiate for peace; we do not need any
foreigners or international groups or organizations to mediate. My mission is
to maintain the regular interactions across the strait, and to promote Taiwan
’s prosperity on the basis of sustainable peace.
I am here today in Kinmen. Some fifty years ago, I was serving in the
military not far from where we stand today. Looking back, I still remember
there were many nights when we were waiting for the dawn to break with full
battle readiness. Those were the days of bombardment with odd and even days.
More than fifty years have passed. I am still wakened up in the middle of
the night by the roaring and deafening sounds of cannon ball explosions. I
have been part of the history and luckily walked out in one piece. I feel
humbled being here with lots of thoughts and reflections.
Facing the elders and fellows of Kinmen and 23 million people of Taiwan and
also 1.4 billion Chinese in mainland China, I solemnly declare: we want peace
; we do not want war; we want economic development; we do not want military
confrontations; we want to resume the cultural, the economic and the young-
generation interactions as they were in the past. Taiwan must extract herself
from the infighting between parties, and the infighting across the strait.
Taiwan must come out from the cloud of uncertainty in the river of history.
Republic of China must go forward with dignity to seek for peace, to maintain
the freedom and democratic system of Taiwan, in order to realize the vision of
being a global economic and technology driver in the years to come.