Fw: [新聞] 鴻海創辦人郭台銘讓台灣吊胃口

作者: andy199113 (Andy)   2023-08-26 10:13:03
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作者: andy199113 (誒嘿嘿嘿) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 鴻海創辦人郭台銘讓台灣吊胃口
時間: Sat Aug 26 10:12:16 2023
1.媒體來源: Bloomberg 彭博社
2.記者署名: Jennifer Creery
Foxconn Founder Terry Gou Keeps Taiwan Guessing on Election Bid
2023年8月24日 at 上午5:00 [GMT+8] By Jennifer Creery
■Billionaire advocates stronger trade ties, talks with Beijing
■The 72-year-old mounted an unsuccessful bid to lead in 2019
WATCH: Terry Gou is acting like a model presidential candidate, but there’s
just one problem: he’s not in the race, or not yet. Bloomberg’s Stephen
Engle tagged along with Gou as he rallied support for his Strait Peace
proposals.Source: Bloomberg
或者說還沒有參加。 彭博社的Stephen Engle在郭台銘為他的海峽和平提案爭取支持時
Taiwanese billionaire Terry Gou is acting like a model presidential
candidate: He’s held political rallies, penned an editorial in a US
newspaper and released a book trumpeting his work ethic.
There’s just one problem: he’s not in the race, or not yet. The Foxconn
founder kept Taiwan guessing again this week, when he skipped launching a
much-teased bid to lead in one of the world’s biggest military flashpoints
at a political rally swarmed by the island’s media.
只有一個問題:他沒有參加競選,或者還沒有參加。 鴻海創辦人本週再次讓台灣猜測,
“I will spend the rest of my life seeking to secure sustainable peace across
the Strait,” Gou said at an event on the front-line island of Kinmen on
Tuesday, without addressing swirling election rumors. The business mogul has
held similar events across Taiwan in recent weeks, at which local politicians
declare their support for his presidency, despite him not being a candidate.
活動中表示,但沒有回應紛繁的選舉謠言。 這位商業大亨最近幾週在台灣各地舉行
In a Washington Post editorial last month — further stoking expectations he’
d run — Gou made his pitch to voters clear, calling for stronger trade ties
with China and the resumption of talks with Beijing.
Terry Gou at an event in Kinmen Island on Aug. 22.
Photographer: An Rong Xu/Bloomberg
Taiwan’s election in January will set the course for US-China relations for
years to come, as the democratic island’s fate becomes a core issue in the
two nations’ growing rivalry. If Gou became the fourth name on the ballot he
’d most likely tip the balance further in favor of the frontrunner, Vice
President Lai Ching-te, by splitting votes not cast for the ruling Democratic
Progressive Party.
日益激烈的競爭的核心問題。 如果郭台銘成為選票上的第四位候選人,他很可能將天平
With only five months until election day, he’s trailing all three declared
candidates in the polls, the DPP’s Lai, former policeman-turned-mayor Hou
Yu-ih for the KMT and a former surgeon, Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s
“If Gou runs, the rest of us are done for,” Ko said in an interview with
Chung T’ien Television earlier this month. “Lai Ching-te would 100% win. We
wouldn’t even need to hold the election. Lai could pop the champagne right
There is, however, a universe in which Gou could disrupt the election and
still emerge victorious. If he unites with one of the other contenders ready
to accept the notion Taiwan is part of China, their ticket could challenge
Lai and hand President Xi Jinping a willing negotiating partner on the
island, after nearly a decade of little to no communication. It’s a move Gou
has hinted at, and the other candidates have sworn against, for now.
然而,在某種情況下,郭台銘可能會擾亂選舉,但仍能取得勝利。 如果他與其他一位
“A Taiwanese president conciliatory towards China would likely lessen overt
political tensions,” said Russell Hsiao, executive director of the Global
Taiwan Institute. “But a president not focused on the nation’s defense
could complicate necessary preparations for a potential military conflict.”
執行主任蕭良其表示。 「但一位不專注於國家國防的總統可能會使潛在軍事衝突的必要
As Taiwan awaits his decision, its future could hang on an act of divine
inspiration: Gou made his last presidential bid after the Chinese sea goddess
Matsu came to him in a dream. Superstition still informs his thinking. Gou
this month said China should consult the same goddess before attacking Taiwan.
在夢中來到他身邊後,進行了最後一次總統競選。 迷信仍然影響著他的思想。
Having amassed a personal fortune of around $7 billion building factories in
China that make most of the world’s iPhones, Gou first bid to become Taiwan’
s president four years ago. That pitch to be the democratically ruled island’
s answer to Donald Trump failed to earn him the opposition Kuomintang’s
nomination. He quit the party soon after, with his camp calling it “
conservative and hidebound”.
郭台銘在中國大陸建造工廠,生產全球大部分 iPhone手機,積累了約 70 億美元的個人
財富,四年前首次競選台灣總統。 這個民主統治的島嶼對川普的回應未能為他贏得
在野黨國民黨的提名。 他很快就退出了該黨,他的陣營稱該黨「保守且墨守成規」。
The 72-year-old’s political pitch hasn’t changed much since: he still
supports the 1992 consensus, a tacit agreement between the KMT and the
Chinese Communist Party that both sides of the Taiwan Strait are part of
China — a framework President Tsai Ing-wen has refused to endorse. She says
Taiwan doesn’t need to declare independence because it’s already achieved
that status.
Terry Gou at the Kuomintang party headquarters in Taipei on April 17, 2019.
Photographer: Ashley Pon/Bloomberg
The economy and cross-strait relations are core election issues. Taiwan’s
growth has slowed with a slump in exports of its chips this year, while
Beijing’s increased military aggression has upped the specter of war — a
threat made more visceral by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
經濟和兩岸關係是選舉的核心議題。 由於今年晶片出口下滑,台灣經濟增長放緩,
“He is rich already, he won’t be corrupted,” Li Yen, 71, said at Gou’s
rally in Kinmen on Tuesday. “I believe he can maintain peace,” said Wendy
Li, 31. “He won’t allow your life to be impacted by political problems.”
Gou’s background in international business has given him a unique line to
world leaders: The self-made businessman met with Trump at the White House in
2019, while Xi called him an “old friend” when they crossed paths in China
in 2013.
Gou touts his top-level access to China and the US as a major advantage, said
Wen-Ti Sung, a political scientist for the Australia National University’s
Taiwan studies program. “The other candidates would have to work for it,”
he added.
高層接觸視為一個主要優勢。 「其他候選人必須為此努力」他補充道。
Terry Gou shares a toast with attendees during an event in Kinmen on Aug. 22.
Photographer: An Rong Xu/Bloomberg
Still, he has struggled to win over Taiwan’s electorate. His campaign has
leaned into an old-school nationalism reminiscent of Taiwan’s authoritarian
era, for example by urging attendees at his events to stand and sing the
national anthem. While this may appeal to older voters, it hasn’t won him
many supporters among the young.
儘管如此,他仍難以贏得台灣選民的支持。 他的競選活動傾向於老式的民族主義,讓人
想起台灣的獨裁時代,例如,他敦促活動參加者起立並唱國歌。 雖然這可能會吸引年長
Also, given Foxconn’s large manufacturing footprint in China, there is
little he can say or do to convince skeptical voters he would be able to
resist Beijing’s efforts to influence or pressure him.
If he decides to run, Gou would need to gather some 300,000 valid signatures
before mid-September. But if there’s one thing he’s known for, it’s
persistence. In the early 1980s, he visited 32 US states in 11 months,
working as a door-to-door salesman to drum up more customers for Foxconn.
但如果說他以一件事而聞名,那就是堅持。 20世紀80年代初,他在11個月內走訪了
In his book, Father Gou’s 30 Letters For Young People, released this month,
Gou remembers working everyday from 6.30 a.m. to 11 p.m., and sometimes as
late as 2 a.m., as he grew his business empire.
If he’s got any shot at winning Taiwan’s most consequential election in
decades, he’ll need to muster that energy.
— With assistance by Debby Wu and Chien-Hua Wan
— 在 吳Debby 和 萬千華 的協助下
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