[討論] 小草發起挺柯國際連署!快要達標了!

作者: a10141013 (FlyBall)   2024-09-01 16:06:28
簡單來說就是台灣人挺柯 拒絕司法迫害 反對非法搜查 訴求立即釋放
目前有接近8,000連署 快達到10,000門檻了
Taiwan 911 / Retaliation Against the Former Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan
We stand here today to bring attention to the unjust treatment of the former
mayor of Taipei, Taiwan, the leader of the third political party, who has
been unfairly targeted for his commitment to public service and integrity.
During his eight-year term as mayor of Taiwan’s capital city, he
consistently made decisions in the best interest of the public. The meeting
minutes from his term, which are available for public review, clearly
demonstrate that his actions were taken with transparency and a genuine
concern for the citizens he served.
Despite his exemplary service, his presidential campaign ended without
victory. However, the newly elected leader has since misused the justice
system to retaliate against him. Under false pretenses, his home and office
have been unlawfully searched, and he has been subjected to an inhumane
19-hour interrogation without rest. These actions are not just an attack on
him but a blatant abuse of power that undermines the principles of justice
and democracy.
We are here outside the facility where he is being held to raise awareness
and draw attention to this grave injustice. We demand fair treatment and due
process for a leader who has served his city with honor and dedication. We
call on all who believe in fairness and democracy to join us in seeking his
immediate release. This is not just about one man; it’s about the future of
justice and fairness in our society. Let us stand together to ensure that no
one is persecuted for doing what is right.
We urge the media, international observers, and all concerned citizens to
help shine a light on this situation and hold those in power accountable. We
will not rest until justice is served, and he is set free.

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