Bush731 (布希)
2024-11-02 10:20:44※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言:
: https://www.newsweek.com/dating-rough-gen-z-especially-men-who-support-trump-opinion-1977574
: That's why when a woman discovers that a man supports Trump, she's right to
: worry. If a guy, however nice, chooses to vote for a man who belittles
: others, objectifies women, and has little regard for the issues she cares
: about, such as reproductive health care and the environment, she wonders if
: he will have what it takes to be the partner she desires, whether temporary
: or permanent.
: 我看正黑上很多川普支持者
: 還是奉勸一下 想交女友的話最好早早棄暗投明
: 不然女生看到川普支持者 就像看到柯文哲支持者一樣 宅味都飄出來
: 根本不想進一步交往
: 董?
神經病喔! 講得好像支持共和黨就要單身一輩子了一樣 = =
鄉下一大堆老農夫孫子女都不知道有幾個了 而且鄉下老農夫每個都投共和黨的
而且美國警察幾乎都投共和黨的, 難到美國警察通通沒有妻小? 笑話!