※ 引述《Axwell (Axwell)》之銘言:
: Anybody that’s against Tariffs, including the Fake News Wall Street Journal,
: and Hedge Funds, is only against them because these people or entities are con
: trolled by China, or other foreign or domestic companies. Anybody that loves a
: nd believes in the United States of America is in favor of Tariffs. They shoul
: d have never ended, in favor of the Income Tax System, in 1913. The response t
: o Tariffs has been FANTASTIC!
: 任何反對關稅的人,包括假新聞媒體《華爾街日報》和對沖基金,之所以反對關稅,只是
: 因為這些人或機構受中國或其他外國或國內企業的操控。任何熱愛並信仰美國的人都應該
: 支持關稅制度。關稅不應該在1913年被廢除,而讓位於所得稅制度。對於關稅的反應一直
: 非常熱烈!
: https://i.imgur.com/JQ9SYKl.jpeg
: 一堆人一覺醒來自動變成中共同路人
: 還得是川普啊
: 有沒有政黑?