Re: [U20] WCQ 21 守門員

作者: shangyu (安安安安安安安安安安安)   2014-04-04 22:31:47
以下是 Mod-Cattington 所回應的文章 (只挑重要的放上來)
※ 引述《shangyu (安安安安安安安安安安安)》之銘言:
: 原文來自 Tatkumasilpapa 在 TNP 內的文章,如果大家願意加入討論,我將幫忙把
: 文章放到 TNP 裡頭。
: =========================================================================
: Xie Yuanfan, last update is 47 days ago. But looking at the TSI-development,
: I guess he was trained in GK the last weeks (where not injured). That means
: his SP skill should still be on level *, right? So even if he changes on SP
: now, his SP skill won't be ready for the first games. What to do? Change on
: DF training, stick to GK, change on SP?
: 謝 (Xie) 元繁 (Yuanfan) 的最後一次更新已經是 47 天前的事情。根據 TSI 的成長
: 我估計他在上個星期依然接受 GK 的訓練。這表示他的 SP 技能應該還是 * (非常低)
: ,是吧?所以就算他現在馬上接受 SP 的訓練,他的 SP 將無法趕上第一場比賽。應
: 該怎麼做?改成訓練 DF? 堅持 GK,改成 SP?
GK would mean a high contribution to defense ratings. But he will reach GK16
in 3 weeks already, that would mean he would reach GK17.5 before the end of
his U20 time. That would be bad for the owner (training that much GK without
any SP or DF isn't good for his finances, high wages and low transfer price)
and bad for the players (too much main skill above 15 means high skill
GK 意味著在防守方面有很大的貢獻。但是,他將在 3 個星期內提升到 GK16,這也意味
著在 U20 結束之前會提升到 GK17.5。這對擁有者來說是件不好的事情 (把 GK 訓練得
太高,卻缺乏 SP 或 DF 對於資金管理來說並不好,因為球員的薪水太高,而且轉會的
價值太低) 而且對球員也不利 (技能過高於 15 代表技能更容易下降)。
DF would be similar to GK training, better for the worth of the player and
would avoid skill drops. The defense contribution would only be marginally
lower than if he'd train GK, but it would be better for the owner and the
DF 將比較接近 GK 的訓練,卻對於球員的價值及避免技能下降方面較具優勢。在防守
方面只是稍低於他繼續訓練 GK 的情況,但是對於球員及擁有者來說是較佳的選擇。
But I would suggest SP, even though his SP skill is low to start with. If he
changes to SP right now, he could reach SP5 for the first match. That's not
great, but better than nothing. And if he continues to train SP for at least
half a season, he would reach a decent SP skill soon enough. Better to have
him ready a few weeks too late than to give up on him completely.
但是我將會建議 SP,儘管他的 SP 在一開始的時候太低。如果他現在開始訓練 SP,他
可以在第一場比賽到達 SP*。雖然不夠好,但是有勝於無。且若他繼續訓練 SP 至少半
個球季,他將很快就達到合適的 SP。最好讓他晚幾個星期準備好,而不是對他徹底放
: You Jiecai was the number three, but regarding the training, he is the only
: one who got the correct skillmix and stamina-raise. Triple is on GK training
: now, just stick on that, raise the stamina a bit so that he reaches excellent
: to the first game. If his form develops, this keeper should be ready for the
: first game.
: 游 (You) 傑材 (Jiecai) 是第三守門員,但是根據訓練的成果,他是唯一在技能訓練
: 以及體能調整跟上進度的傢伙。Triple 正為他訓練 GK,並且提升一點體能以致於他
: 可以在第一場比賽達到 excellent。如果他的狀態能夠提升,那麼他應該能夠參與第
: 一場比賽。
According to ( he should be
around GK14.7, which would mean he reaches GK15 before the first match. That
way, he'll reach GK16 roughly at the time of the eighth match of the
qualifications and could then switch to DF.
根據 ( 他應該大約在 GK14.7,
這表示他將在第一場比賽之前達到 GK15。這樣,他大約會在資格賽的第8場達到GK16,
並且轉成訓練 DF
Beyond GK16, it would make more sense to train DF, because 2 levels DF would
train nearly as fast as 1 level GK and we wouldn't risk high skill drops.
在 GK16 以上轉練 DF 是合理的,因為 DF 提升 2 個技能的速度約是 GK 提升一個技
According to ht-world he trains with ** stamina. He's already at solid, so I
would lower that to 16%. That should be enough to get him to excellent
stamina soon, and he would have more skill training left.
根據 ht-world 他訓練體能的比例是 ** (很高)。他的體能已經是 7,所以我將會建議
把體能比例降到 16%。這樣應該足夠令他的體能提升到 8,而且也能分配給技能較多的
: Ye Guijiang was trained properly, but that was the keeper who showed up on
: the market two weeks ago. Not sure what he plans now. I'll contact him
: anyway. Do you agree with me, he should change on SP, raise the stamina to
: reach excellent to the first game, stick on SP until 12-15, change on
: defending or back to GK for the rest of the campaign?
: 俞 (Yu) 貴江 (Guijiang) 雖然受到正確的訓練,但是他的技能曾在兩個星期前的轉
: 會市場展示過。不確定他現在的計劃如何。我將會試著與該經理聯絡。你們同意我嗎?
: 他的必需要轉練 SP 直到 12-15,並且在第一場比賽前將體能提升到 excellent,之
: 後為了其餘的戰役改練防守或者轉練 GK。
According to ht-world, he's at ** stamina share and solid stamina. So he
could go down to 16%, too. But I agree, SP training is best for him right
now. Since SP will give him 1 skillup/week even with 20% stamina, he could
keep the ** stamina until SP12, then change back to GK with 16% stamina, and
once he reaches GK16, switch to DF.
根據 ht-world, 他的體能分配大約是 ** 而且體力達到 7。所以他的體能分配也可以
降到 16%。但是我同意 SP 的訓練對現在的他來說是比較好的,因為 SP 在體能分配是
20%的時候,提升速度大約是 1 skillup/week,所以他可以維持 ** (約20%) 的體能
分配直到 SP12,然後回頭將體力分配調成 16%訓練 GK,並且當他達到 GK16 的時候
就可以轉練 DF。
GK16 is nice for defense ratings and has no big skill drops yet; SP12 should
be enough to stop most SP chances in U20 (my guess), so training DF would
probably be the best choice both for U20 and for the owners finances, too.
GK16 對於防守評比來說是好的,而且不會有太大的掉技能的風險; SP12 應該足夠應付
U20 的 SP 機會 (我猜),所以改練 DF 將可能是最好的選擇,無論是對 U20 或者是對

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