剛剛在keces的網站 看到上面這篇文章
So I disconnect the Mytek Brooklyn from the DC-116, and connect it to the P8 instead and re-play the "Improvisation",
since I have just been listening to it: The increase in spatial depth is almost unbelievable! From
the Melco, the Aries Femto and the Chord DAVE I know into which spaciousness this track can take you, but
from the SoulM and the Mytek, combined with Keces and Mutec, I yet haven’t heard such an impressive spatial
imaging. Impressive, how meticulously the Violon VI reveals any improvement carried out at the front-end. To
mention that the Brooklyn immensively benefi ts also in all other hi-fi disciplines from the power supply eff ected
through the P8, seems to me quite pointless here. Instead, I better start enjoying some well-known and rediscovered
records in extremely high quality also in the living room now!
加了P8的brooklyn 真的有那麼神?