剛剛FB上Max update消息
Toxic Cables
1 小時 ·
This is Max
Unfortunately I have some bad news as you knows Franks dad was unwell
and passed away recently and on receiving the news Frank had a stroke
which he did not survive.
We will all miss him greatly
※ 引述《ancic (^^)》之銘言:
: 更新後續,不過是有點難過的消息...
: Frank的爸爸狀病況似乎不太好,
: 所以出貨要再延期了,轉貼FB訊息如下:
: Further to my previous post, i am sad to say
: my own elderly father has also now fallen
: critically ill, i have been looking after him at
: home and thus was unable to do much work
: as he required 24/7 care, he has since now
: been admitted to hospital today for what
: doctors say is for end of life care as they
: don't expect him to survive much longer,
: but i do hope to bring him back home in the
: next few days, so he can be around his
: family hopefully much longer.
: 接續前po,很難過,我父親重病了,最近我
: 全天都要在家照顧他,所以無法趕很多工。
: 今天他又入院了,醫生說日子可能不多了,
: 但我還是希望過幾天能帶他回家,希望能
: 再多些和家人在一起的日子。
: For this reason, i cannot say how much of a
: delay their might be with orders, although i
: am still making cables every chance i get, so
: anyone who wishes to instead opt for a
: refund, please email me with the email
: subject as REFUND.
: 因此我不確定訂單還需要延後多久,雖然
: 我還是ㄧ有時間就做線,不過如果有人希望
: 能退款的話,請email給我,標題請打上
: For those, who wish to wait, i will run a
: random draw for a free cable for all those
: effected, i have roughly enough wire to make
: 50 or our limited edition cables, i had planned