目前主要是用入門款喇叭聽音樂 Soundcore Select 2 藍牙喇叭 但是晚上別人要睡覺 必須要用耳機 煩請推薦入門款耳機 我很少涉略 最近的印象已經是多年前的E3000 若近年有後起之秀請推薦 一、3.5m耳機輸出:Realme 3 pro 二、主要訴求西洋音樂(popmusic)好聽,中文音樂其次 三、習慣自訂Soundcore如圖 https://i.imgur.com/UunzfY3.jpg (不一定要這張圖的調音,放上來而已) 四、預算兩三千,不超過三千,不捏上去 五、英文歌單 GAGA Dance in the dark Shallow Artpop Poker face GUY Taylor Blank space Delicate Bad blood Look what you made me do Style Rihanna Where have you been We found love This is what you can for What my name Love the way you lie Treat you better Love on top Dark horse Part of me Into you Side to side Problem Worth it Work from home Havana Baby Lalala Dance with a stranger You are the reason Everything I wanted Kiss me more Say so Alone All falls down Darksides The nights Enemy Womanizer Work bi Rain on me Burn International love Rain over me Golden Bad day Good time My humps skyfall someone like you set the fire to the rain call me maybe me too