tienam (已有太多鍵盤)
2022-09-12 23:01:11https://bit.ly/3qCEHHn
這是一篇alpha audio寫的dac 501評測,
請點到第三部分 The sound.
Now there’s one thing we’ve noticed:
if we adjust the volume via the Weiss,
we see in Roon that it’s no longer lossless.
We’ve asked Daniel about that:
(從weiss調整音量, Roon顯示並非無損,
Alpha: I noticed that ROON mentions that the
signal path is not lossless, because of the
volume control. Is that true?
(Alpha: 我注意到Roon指出訊號路徑並非無損,
因為音量控制, 這是真的嗎)
Daniel Weiss: This is correct.
If you rise the volume to 0.0dB then it changes to lossless.
Anything else than 0.0dB changes the bits.
(Daniel: 是真的,
你拉高音量在0.0dB, 就是無損,
任何對音量的調整, 都會改變bits)
這就很神了, 數位音量控制有各種方式(手段),
難道weiss dac 501控制音量就是直接砍bits嗎?
Daniel Weiss有親自回覆, 講得很多(明白),
請將這篇評論捲動到最下方, 自行看Danial的回文囉.
信不信Daniel的說法, 各位自由心證 XD
我個人是半信半疑啦, 但最大的問題是買不起dac 501啊QQ
又, Daniel Weiss應該是Weiss的老闆吧?
Danial Weiss對此問題的回答
Hello Mr. ooooo
A volume control is by definition not lossless.
It has to change the bits in order to change the volume of the signal.
Lossless means that no bits are changed,
so a lossless volume control is not possible.
Best Regards,
Daniel Weiss