kuonet (鍋貼)
2014-06-24 10:30:02http://tinyurl.com/m3casta
New Stuff
Naxxramas has 3 modes. Normal, Class Challenges, and Heroic.
There is a purple, gold, and green card back which the bosses are using. We
don't know if it is player obtainable.
Class Challenges
Jaina Proudmoore's class challenge to receive Duplicate requires her to
defeat Heigan the Unclean.
Malfurion Stormrage's class challenge to receive Poison Seeds requires him to
defeat Grand Widow Faerlina.
Thrall's class challenge to receive Reincarnate requires him to defeat Gothik.
Valeera Sanguinar's class challenge to receive Anub'ar Ambusher is to defeat
Rexxar's class challenge to receive Webspinner is to defeat Loatheb.
Your deck will contain at least three Webspinners.
Gul'dan's class challenge to receive Voidcaller is to defeat Anub'Rehkan.
Starts off with a weapon, doesn't have any playable cards, and doesn't take
fatigue damage.
Weapon: Hook - Deals 5 damage, has at least 8 durability.
Hero Power: Costs 4 Mana. Visually looks like an enrage.
Four Horseman
Baron Rivendare (Hero)
Hero Power: Costs 5 Mana.
Starts with 7 Health.
Sir Zeliek: Your hero is Immune. 3 Mana Cost, 1 Attack, 7 Health.
Lady Blaumeux: 1 Attack, 7 Health.
Thane Korth'azz: 1 Attack, 7 Health.
Noth the Plaguebringer
Passive Hero Power: Raise Dead - Whenever an enemy dies, raise a 1/1 Skeleton.
Hero Power: Necrotic Aura - Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Costs 2 Mana.
Hero Power: Harvest - Draw a card. Costs 2 Mana.
Hero Power: Costs 3 Mana.
Feugan - Legendary (Reward from completing the Construct Quarter)
Deathrattle: If Stalagg also died this game, summon Thaddius.
Stalagg - Legendary (Reward from completing the Construct Quarter)
Deathrattle: If Feigan also died this game, summon Thaddius.
Kel'thuzad - Legendary (Reward from completing the Frostwyrm Lair)
At the end of the turn, summon all friendly minions that died this turn.
8 Mana, 6 Attack, 8 Health.
Baron Rivendare - Legendary (Confirmed reward from Four Horsemen)