[閒聊] MagicAmy的drama (附註有更新與Amy回應)

作者: zxf123 (真彦(まさひこ))   2015-02-19 03:48:33
來源: http://ppt.cc/aSWc (reddit)
Is magicamy real? from former teammate and a HS convict
真有MagicAmy這個人嗎? 這是一篇來自前隊友的質疑
So this is a great mystery for many of you all out there. It is still a
mystery for me. Who really is magicamy? Is it a true woman in Korea who cares
deeply about NA scene? Is it a trick to deceive people into thinking she's a
girl so that she gets more attention than usual? We will never know for 100%
but here is my conjecture.
這也許是你們心中的大疑問 然而對我而言也是如此: 到底MagicAmy是誰?
我們不會知道真像 但以下是我的推測:
Magicamy approached me saying she will be broadcasting hearthstone tournament
for OGN. Of course that never happened. Then she asked me for my rogue deck.
Being fellow Korean, I was inclined to give my deck to her. She spread the
deck like cancer and hyped used it to achieve rank 1 and 3 on that specific
MagicAmy之前告訴我她將會在OGN轉播爐石的比賽 當然 她從沒有做到
然後他從我那兒問到我的盜賊牌組 男生對這種要求怎麼能拒絕呢?
之後她把我的牌組病毒式的洩漏出去 Hyped在那個賽季爬到NA第1與第3
From this, I know she likes attention a lot. She approaches a lot of top
hearthstone players on her own accord, and asks for their decks.
在那之後 我知道她喜歡受到注意 她接近那些高端玩家並得到他們的牌組
There are a couple of reasons why people believe this "magicamy" personality
is a girl. First of all, she posts pics with paper saying "XXX fighting" or
something along those lines. Just go to Kolento's stream and type /magicamy,
you will see what I mean. Second, she or he voice chats with a lot of top
players. I don't know if it's a real voice or fake changed female voice, but
she does voice chat and play with others. Thirdly, she pretends like she
likes you. Vast majority of top players know her and some have been tricked
in some shape or form.
第一 她常常Po出寫著XXX加油的照片 只要去Kolento的實況/magicamy就知道我在說啥
第二 她(或他)會和那些高手用通訊軟體聊天 我不確定那是真的聲音或假裝的就是
第三 她會假裝她好像煞到你(實況主)
Other than this there are a lot more shady things going on with this "being."
I'm calling it a being because I'm not sure if it's a real single identity or
it's a interplay among many people on a single magicamy identity. I can list
some of the shady things that this identity does.
除了這些把戲之外"這家伙"(this being)還有很多見不得人的事
First of all, being a top Korean player, it never participates in any of the
Korean scene. There are a lot of LAN scene going on in Korea and it has never
participated in any. I'm sure it gets encouraged to go but it will make any
excuse not to go.
首先 身為一個韓國玩家 它卻從未進入韓國的爐石圈子
韓國有許多爐石的線下活動 但它不曾參加
我很確定對它而言會有許多誘因去參加 但它卻千方百計的推辭
Second, it will never stream. It will make up any excuses but to stream. It
has been around 2 years that it said it will stream eventually. I doubt it
will ever stream to be honest.
再者 它從不實況 它會有千百個不實況的理由 2年前我就聽到它說它會實況
Third, it screen shares with all its acquaintances whenever it plays online.
It is pretty much a fact if you know her personally. HOw do you think it won
an ESL? Not by herself, for sure.
又 它的遊戲畫面在線上賽是可以給其他人看到的 所以它是如何贏得ESL的?
Lastly, its goal is in my opinion to exploit "online" based environment of HS
in the America to earn as much cash as possible. There is reason why it never
goes to Korean lans. My hypothesis is that it is not a female but a mix of
people who consist of 1. woman showing in the pictures and 2. a decent Korean
最後 它的目的就是要透過"線上"的型式從NA爐石圈獲利
1.出現在畫面的妹子 和 2.韓國高端玩家 所組成的
It is willing to say so many nice things to you that you would think it has
interest in you. But nope, it does that to everyone. It is goal-directed,
it's either to steal the best decks, get help from you in HS, or something
它會裝的好像很哈你 但其實它對任何人都如此 它是有目的性的
不是得到你的牌組 就是想利用你在爐石圈的身分 再不然就是你的錢
I want to know if reynad actually met this being before recruiting it. Maybe
he just recruited it with knowing all these facts because it is good for the
team anyways.
While this may not be the whole entire truth, following will likely happen.
Magicamy will never ever stream. Magicamy will never ever appear on offline
event, if she does, she will do substantially worse than what appears online.
Magicamy will never ever do things she tells she will do eventually, such as
making videos etc.
雖然我說的不一定是完整的事實 但我向你們保證以下幾點
2.MagicAmy不會參加任何線下賽 如果她真的去了 那她的表現一定會與線上賽時大相逕庭
3.MagicAmy不會履行承諾會在之後實踐的事 像是錄製影像之類的
Trust me on this one and I hope pros don't get tricked by this "being" and
waste time and money.
Good luck
請相信我 而且 我希望不要再有其他職業選手浪費時間或金錢在"這傢伙"身上了
1.出現在畫面的妹子 和 2.韓國高端玩家 所組成的
2.reddit對這件事的反應是: 爐石永遠是drama比遊戲本身有趣XD
3.MagicAmy宣布不參加ESL Finals
5.懶人包(英文) http://ppt.cc/~~8m
有這篇drama跟其衍生八卦的整理 包括這篇的大綱 還有肉搜出加拿大男的始末
以及聲稱被MagicAmy詐騙的受害者的故事 甚至還有各實況主對這件事的看法XD
裡面有很多人名PTT不常出現(我也不熟) 就不詳述內容了 有興趣的自己看看吧
6.Amy在reddit的回應(內容很少) https://www.reddit.com/user/magicamy
不參加ESL Final : 簽證的問題
drama : 有人因為win trade被踢出戰隊而惱羞成怒
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