簡單翻譯 看看就好w
六種典型競技場牌型 (不確定是不是只有六種 有看到的話請補充)
An Aggro-Control deck focuses on keeping its minions alive with a
never-ending barrage of cheap tempo-efficient removal spells. The typical
opening turns play out as pass, 2-drop, 3-drop, removal with a 2-drop,
removal with a 2-drop, removal with a 4-drop, and so on. We will force our
opponents to have answers ready for our few early threats on the board in the
form of removals or unremovable minions, or our minions will quickly spiral
out of control with early and aggressive face damage. The key to success with
this deck is knowing exactly how much reach is in the deck, in order to
convert those removals into face damage at the appropriate time. We will run
out of steam faster than any other archetype, so that game-ending burst of
lethal is a welcomed sight to draw into. When properly (luckily) drafted,
this deck type is near impossible to win against, making our opponents feel
like nothing they could have played would have made an ounce of difference in
the outcome.
侵略控制牌組的重點在 不停使用有利於節奏的低費解場牌 盡全力讓手下活在場上
以此類推 逼對手去解決場上的一些前期威脅 例如丟解牌或是難解的手下
否則我方手下會很早開始侵略打臉 很快就失控滾雪球
這副牌成功的關鍵在於 清楚地了解這副牌的分水嶺在哪
由於我們會比別的牌型更早氣力放盡 因此最期待抽到能收尾的爆發傷害
如果確實(幸運)地抽到 這種牌型幾乎是不可能被擊敗的
Strong against: Attrition 消耗
Weak against: Classic Aggro 侵略
A Mid-Range deck is the most normal Arena deck. It is best known for playing
minions on-curve throughout the entire match, repeatedly making good trades,
and slowly building a large enough card advantage or tempo, depending on your
opponent’s reaction, to end the game. Moreso than any other deck, this deck
will win out if our opponent misses a drop. Because our opponent will likely
have more initiative to shape the board, this deck is at the mercy of our
opponent to dictate how the game will progress. The key to success with this
deck is to recognize our role relative to our opponent by figuring out what
our opponent is giving us. If he gives us tempo, then we use the tempo and
push to end the game early. If he gives us value, then we repeatedly trade up
on the board and look for card advantage. There is very little room for error
here, so this deck type is where gameplay skill in anticipations make the
biggest difference between success and failure.
中速牌組是最普通的競技場牌組 最知名的是整場都配合法力曲線下怪
不停製造有利的換怪 視對手反應慢慢地建立起夠大的牌差或節奏優勢來結束遊戲
由於對手鋪場很可能比我們更具主動性 這副牌只能隨著對手主導遊戲的走向
這副牌成功的關鍵在於 透過對手給我們什麼來辨明敵我雙方的相對關係
對手給我們節奏(tempo) 我們就搶過節奏 推進並快速結束遊戲
對手給我們價值(value) 我們就不停做出有利的交換尋求牌差優勢
這裡的容錯空間非常小 所以這也是遊戲的感覺和技巧影響成敗最有鑑別度的牌型
Strong against: Tempo 節奏
Weak against: Classic Control 控制
A Classic Aggro deck gets on the board early and stays there for the entire
match. This deck opens with 1-drops, or a fleet of 2-drops, and uses a
combination of cheap minions, board buffs, other high tempo spells to control
the board. The best part is that we are guaranteed to curve out well in every
single match. We’ll run out of steam fairly quickly, but we’ve hopefully
already won the game before that inevitability. The key to success with this
deck is knowing when to trade on the board and when to deal face damage. This
deck is a bit more flexible than it may appear to be at first glance, capable
of sustaining itself into the late mid-game with advantageous trades on the
board and liberal use of the hero power, or unleashing a massive wave of
early game face damage to be finished off with reach. Either way, we’ll be
the ones who set the pace in every matchup from the opening turns and we won’
t take our foot off the gas pedal until it runs out.
這副牌會用1費開局 或大量2費鋪場
我們很早就會耗盡資源 但我們尋求的是在這個必然的結果發生前就已獲勝
這副牌成功的關鍵在於 清楚了解到何時需要換怪 何時需要打臉
不論哪種方式 每場比賽我們都是前幾回合的主導者 在燃料耗盡前都不會鬆開油門
Strong against: Aggro-Control 侵略控制
Weak against: Tempo 節奏
A Classic Control deck has all of the answers. Our opponent plays a minion,
we remove it or play a minion that hard counters the minion on the board. Our
opponent plays two or three minions, we clear the board with a mass removal.
When players think of a “control” deck, this is likely the type of deck
they have in mind. The key to success with this deck is to have answers to
anything our opponent throws at us. Prioritize playing card draw to draw into
our answers, and treat bodies on the board as removal supplements. If we have
large removals in hand, we play small bodies. If we have small/mass removals
in hand, we play a large body. We have enough card advantage to last to the
end game, so our goal is to repeatedly destroy our opponent’s tempo.
Generally, if our opponent can’t end the game early, the value of our cards
will stabilize the board and end the game in a lopsided fashion.
對手下怪我們就解掉 或者是下強力反制怪
對手下兩三隻怪 我們就用強力解場牌來清光
當玩家想要"控制"場面的時候 腦海中所浮現的就是這種牌型
這種牌成功的關鍵在於 對手丟給我們的任何問題 我們都要有解決的方案(answer)
盡量優先抽牌 讓我們的"解答"可以撈上手 並把場上的手下當作解場的輔助
如果我們有強力的解牌捏在手上 我們就下小怪
如果我們有較小/多的解牌 我們就下大怪
我們有足夠的卡片優勢支撐到遊戲結束 因此我們的目標就是不斷地破壞對手的節奏
一般來說 如果我們的對手不能在前期就拿下比賽
我們牌的價值(value)就會把場面穩定下來 並漸漸邁向勝利
Strong against: Mid-Range 中速
Weak against: Attrition 消耗
A Tempo deck is all about initiative and using cards as a resource. This is a
well-balanced deck that will present us with several options each turn. We
will almost always be able to play a large minion, two small minions, or use
a removal and play a minion or hero power. With so many options, the
direction of the game is really in our hands moreso than any other deck. The
key to success with this deck to pick the right moment to flip the board. If
we tempo too hard in the beginning, we will use up all of our resources
before finishing the game. If we wait too long trading endlessly on the
board, we will run out of cards and options. This deck thrives on being able
to extract value while tempo-ing hard, or using a value play to also add
tempo to the board. Picking the right turn (and follow up turn) to do both
will decidedly swing the game to our favor. We may not always be able to use
our mana efficiently each turn, but when we do, it should be devastating.
節奏牌組重點在於掌握主動權 把牌當作資源來利用
這是一種很平衡的牌型 因此每一回合我們都會有數種選擇
由於有太多選項 遊戲的走向比起別的牌型更是掌握在我們手中
這副牌成功的關鍵在於 選擇正確的時機清場(flip the board 俗稱翻桌)
如果我們開局時節奏太快 我們會在遊戲結束前耗盡所有的資源
如果我們在無盡的換怪下拖太久 我們就會打到沒牌失去選擇權
選擇正確的回合(配合下一回合)同時達成兩者 就會決定性地讓遊戲變成順風局
我們或許不能在每回合都有效消耗法力 不過一旦做到就能發揮極大的破壞力
Strong against: Classic Aggro 侵略
Weak against: Mid-Ranged 中速
An Attrition deck has one simple goal: outlast our opponent. This deck is
filled with large minions, card draws, and likely a couple of large/mass
removals to ensure that our opponent will run out of cards to play before we
do. Contrary to popular belief, the best way to play this deck is not to play
for value, but rather to push the tempo. We don’t need to get value out of
our cards because we will simply have more cards and bigger cards than our
opponents. The key to success with this deck is to not die. Despite our best
efforts, we will likely not be able to consistently deny our opponent’s
board, and will likely be playing one step behind the entire game. Therefore,
our life is our most precious resource and we must protect it at all costs.
Play heals and taunts strategically and save them for when they will have the
largest impact.
出乎意料的是 這副牌的最佳玩法並非尋求價值(value) 而是推進節奏(tempo)
我們不需要從牌中取得價值 因為我們的牌天生就比對手更多、更大
這副牌成功的關鍵在於 盡量讓自己不死
儘管我們竭盡全力 我們可能還是沒辦法永遠將對方場上淨空
因此我們的生命值是最重要的資源 我們應該不計一切代價保護它
有策略地使用治療和嘲諷 並將它們保存到發揮最大效益之時
Strong against: Classic Control 控制
Weak against: Aggro-Control 侵略控制
/* 食物鏈 */
侵略控制 > 消耗 > 控制 > 中速 > 節奏 > 侵略 > 侵略控制
/* 名詞補充 */
牌差優勢(card advantage):簡單說就是你的牌比對手多 不管是場上還是手上
法力曲線(on mana curve):有效地花光法力 例如T2花2費 T3花3費
價值(value):利益 一般而言小換大/少換多/不重要換重要 就可以說是有價值的交換
實戰上比如你的手下打死對方的手下 而你的手下殘血沒死
這就是典型的value play
節奏(tempo):把壓力釋放到場上的速度 在比拼控場或壓力的對決中
典型的節奏牌例如 啓動 準備 科學家 機械召喚師
典型的破壞節奏牌例如 冰凍陷阱 冰霜新星
請注意 這是以競技場的角度所分析的牌型