zxf123 (真彦(まさひこ))
2016-01-19 04:45:45Reddit連結 : https://goo.gl/CD8cxt
他還加料一些C9爐石團隊以及爐石社群的掛(實況主P4wnyhof跟Archon Team league)
(雖然整件事在我看來比較像他單方的抱怨 BabyRage)
於是有好事(誤) 熱心的Reddit板友將他的VOD片段剪輯並整理PO了出來
十分之詳細連時間軸都有 (有""的內容是截錄自Ek0p發言的quotation)
Ek0p刪掉VOD了 但是其他人的Oddshot連結還可以看
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Hearthstone streamer ek0p went on a rant this week and told the salty truth
about some of his colleagues and foes.
Nothing earth-shattering, just some entertaining drama and insight. Kappa
爐石實況主 Ekop在本周發難 揭發針對他的隊友以及對手的一些真相
不是啥驚天動地的料 只是有趣的抓馬跟內幕
(I've added reactions from ek0p, Cloud9, TidesOfTime and InormouS. Find them
at the end of this post.)
(已經在文末加上來自包括 ek0p, Cloud9, TidesOfTime 與 InormouS 對此事的回應)
Can people just start reporting Massan to Twitch already? That would be nice.
I'm sure if we all band together we can get him banned.
"大家可以快去跟Twitch檢舉Massan嗎? 我相信如果大家團結起來我們可以讓他被Ban"
It's not just the view botting... like there's a lot of other accusations
which are most likely true against Massan. [...] Besides, he's never been a
real teammate to me anyway. [...] He never really has done anything to help
his teammates. He only ever hosted my once I think.
"不只ViewBot而已 還有其他數不清對Massan的指控 而且我從沒把他當作是我的隊友
他從來沒幫過團隊成員 我記得他只host過我一次"
I just hope he gets banned soon, and kicked from Cloud9. He doesn't deserve
to be on the team. The only reason he's on the team is he has viewers on
"我只希望他趕快被Ban 然後被C9踢出 他沒資格待在這裡 他能加入只是因為他的觀眾數"
P4wnyhof is also a view botter just like Massan. This is only emphasized by
the fact that this Inormous D guy is also mod on his channel.
"P4wnyhof是跟Massan一樣的機器人指揮官 他跟Massan共用同一個叫做Inormous D 的Mod
According to ek0p, he brought the Massan drama to Cloud9's attention and
Cloud9 "main manager" Jack told him the view botting is Twitch related so
Twitch has to resolve it. ek0p claims Cloud9 is not interested in the other
accusations regarding "cheating in tournaments, selling tournament spots and
all that stuff".
根據Ek0p所述 是他讓C9注意到Massan抓馬的 C9的經理Jack回應他Viewbot是Twitch管的
所以讓他們去處理就好 Ek0p表示C9對其他像是在比賽中作弊.販賣比賽名次等等的指控
I'm actually... since a couple of months... I'm not not getting paid by
Cloud9 anymore. I'm not getting paid my salary. Which is also the reason why
Gnimsh left Cloud9.
"其實...在幾個月前...C9就沒再付我薪水了 這也是Gnimsh離開C9的原因"
I'm kind of blaming Massan [for not getting paid] as well because if a guy
like that is getting paid by Cloud9, that does all these shady and scummy
things, and I'm not... a guy who bust his ass streaming... not only
streaming, but also competing in tournaments, traveling to events to
represent Cloud9 there, interacting with fans and sponsors, doing all kinds
of stuff... If a guy like that does not get paid and a guy like Massan does,
then, yeah, it just frustrates me, you know.
我除了出來搖屁股直播之外 我還代表C9到世界各地參賽 和粉絲互動以及與贊助商接洽等
...如果我這樣的人不值得C9的薪水反而像Massan這樣的傢伙可以時 真的讓我很失望"
And the only reason I'm really still in Cloud9, why I haven't switched teams
yet, is because I'm waiting for Archon Team League to... because I basically
got a guaranteed spot there... and it's so lucrative. Like [...] in the first
Archon Team League I won more money than in all my previous tournament
performances combined.
"我還留在C9沒轉隊的唯一理由是我在等著參加下一季的Archon Team League...
因為我保有種子名額...這是筆划算的投資 舉例而言我在ATL第一季所獲得的獎金
We'll see how the whole situation evolves. I'm definitely still hopeful that
Cloud9 will get their shit together and basically treat me like a valuable
asset to the team. And if that doesn't happen until after ATLC 2, then I'm
switching teams.
"等著看整件事的發展吧 我對C9會把這些狗屁倒灶處理好然後好好把我當作團隊的一分子
仍舊保有信心 如果沒有好轉我會在ATLC2之後正式轉隊"
If you want to make a competitive Hearthstone team, the last person you
should get on that team is TidesOfTime. Not because he's a bad player or
anything, but just because of how he is, you know. Like, you've seen all the
shit he's pulled while he was on Cloud9, right?
[goes on to talk about how TidesOfTime didn't show up to tournaments]
"如果你要組建一隻競技爐石隊伍 你最不該找的人就是TidesOfTime
不是因為他打得爛還是怎樣 而是他的作為 他根本沒對C9投入任何心力"
To be honest though, guys, Cloud9 kinda went to shit Hearthstone-wise after
all the new signings... TidesOfTime and Massan.
The initial team that we had for Cloud9, was actually [...] made by me. I was
the main factor to decide that team.
"C9這個隊伍一開始其實...是因我而生 我是創隊的關鍵因子"
The shit that Kibler and Trump pulled against Lifecoach on ATLC was pretty
disgusting. It's true. But Lifecoach also kinda overreacted in my opinion.
Because after all, all they did was follow the rules. Sure - it was a little
bit scummy to not give Lifecoach the win.
"Kibler跟Trump在ATLC婊LifeCoach的事蠻下流 但是在我看來LifeCoach也有些反應過度
畢竟他們耍的花招也是在規則容許之下 但在那情況還死不認輸是真的有點賤"
Answering the question as to when he feels like he got fucked the most "in an
e-sport sense":
1. Azubu
2. Getting scamazed by Trump
3. Not getting paid by Cloud9
1. Azubu
2. 被Trump scamazed
3. Cloud9沒付他薪水
I don't hate P4wnyhof [...] I liked the guy, I don't like him anymore.
Because of the whole view botting. And also, he's just not really a community
person, you know. Like he only thinks about himself. Back when P4wnyhof used
to work for the Hearthstone division of TakeTV, he had a lot of fuck-ups.
[...] [After leaving TakeTV] he never hosted anyone's stream. Ever. [...] I
hosted him so many times when he was still a very small streamer. Now that
he's a big streamer, he doesn't want to give back to the community, you know,
who helped him grow.
"我並不討厭P4wnyhof 我只是在他開始Viewbot之後不再喜歡他
另外他其實不算是爐石社群的一員 他只想到他自己 當他還在TakeTV的爐石部門工作時"
搞砸了一堆事 (離開TakeTV後) 他從沒host過任何人 我在他還是沒沒無聞時
host他過好幾次 現在他飛黃騰達了 卻不願回饋給當初幫助過他的人"
Question: Did you and Massan ever talk about view bots in his chat?
I think I asked him once about it, before he was in Cloud9. Because there
have been a lot of accusations before already regarding the view bots on his
channel. But he always denied it. I mean of course he would deny it, right?
Why would he admit to such a thing?
"我跟他談過一次吧 是在他加入C9之前的事了 因為在這些事浮上檯面前底下早就暗潮洶湧
當然他沒有意外的否認了 他有什麼承認的理由嗎?"
You can find ek0p's reaction to this post here.
Jack from Cloud9 explains the situation as follows:
Ek0p has not been on contract with c9 for a year. At his request we allowed
him to stay on the team once his agreement expired because it would help him
generate money via streaming. We even paid for his travel when he requested
Ek0p的已經沒跟C9有合約關係1年了 他要求我們讓他在合約過期後繼續留在隊上
以便幫助他透過直播賺錢 我們甚至還幫他出比賽的旅費
[ek0p] didn't bring any value to the team. [...] Wow. I don't know. I don't
really care.
(via _EleGiggle_)
至於說我沒為隊伍做事...哇 我不知道耶 我不是很在乎
InormouS (the mod working for Massan [and supposedly P4wnyhof]):
Cloud9 already fired [ek0p]. [...] I think Cloud9 threatened a lawsuit. ek0p
is just stupid. [...] He tried to get himself viewers by attacking Massan but
he got carried away and attacked everybody.
(via _EleGiggle_)
InormouS (Massan的Mod 據說也是P4wnyhof的):
C9早就開除Ek0p了 我想C9會對他採取法律行動
Ek0p真是蠢 他想透過對Massan補刀來增加收視率 卻弄巧成拙變成到處放炮
註: Value Town成員 Trump跟Kibler在ATLC婊LifeCoach的始末
Trump was losing vs Lifecoach and there was no card in his deck that could
win the match or bring it back. One of them got dcd, Trump decided to give
Lifecoach the win, however Kibler(on trumps team) said that according to
tournament rules its only a win if theres lethal on board. Otherwise its a
rematch. There wasnt lethal on board.
The ATLC team decided to let the players decide it and Kibler and Trump
decided on a rematch.
Lifecoach got pissed at Kibler for suggesting it and Trump for changing his
mind. Everyone was really unprofessional that day.
大意是Trump在ATLC一場對上LifeCoach的比賽中 在落入不可能翻盤的情況時有人斷線
Trump原本打算認輸 但隊友Kibler告訴他根據規則可以要求重賽 並且說服了Trump重賽
1.感恩$camaz 讚嘆$camaz
這篇很有不得志文人在自怨自艾的既視感XD 大家有興趣可以逛逛啦 不算無聊
3.真的很多人出來對Massan補刀 出於各種原因都有啦 想當初我PO Reckful揭發Massan時