[情報] Hotfix 一些bug

作者: a2364983 (小可憐)   2016-08-27 10:27:09
The following issues have been resolved for PC and Mac:
Addressed an issue that would prevent the Discover mechanic from working in
the Tavern Brawl Captain Blackheart’s Treasure when transformed into
修正在大亂鬥黑心船長的寶藏中 當你變身成炎魔時 發現機制會出問題的bug
Addressed an issue that would prevent Faceless Manipulator from properly
copying Moat Lurker’s Deathrattle effect.
Addressed an issue that would prevent Silverware Golem from activating
properly when discarded during the Romulo and Julianne encounter in One Night
in Karazhan.
修正在夜夜卡拉贊中 茱麗葉關卡 銀器魔像被捨棄時無法正確發動效果的bug
Addressed an issue that would prevent several bosses in One Night in Karazhan
from attacking when Abomination is played.
修正在夜夜卡拉贊中 有幾個副本王遇到憎惡體不會攻擊的bug
作者: turningright (Right)   2016-08-27 10:45:00
... 都還沒解 FeelsBadMan
作者: henry1234562 (亨利二十三)   2016-08-27 11:02:00
這次的boss沒有哪個是要靠這個才能過的吧尤其夜禍 完全不知道英雄模式來幹嘛的
作者: ilms49898723 (LittleBird)   2016-08-27 18:28:00

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