推 Timba : 有翻譯嗎qq
Hi guys. Im a korean hs player.
哈囉各位 我是一個韓國爐石玩家
Despite my poor english skill, I want say something to korean hs scene.
雖然我英文說得不好 但我想說一些關於韓國爐石的情況
Now so many korean leave Hs and move to another game. Ex) shadverse and so on.
很多韓國人不打爐石跑去玩別的遊戲了 例如說shadverse(錯字)
Many hs streamers also dont play hs, common gamers too.
實況主不玩了 一般玩家也不玩了
Many users in hs korean comunity complain many things but I sumary three
大家都在抱怨 我整理出三點
First. MSG expansion and Meta are the worst.
首先 加基森風雲和目前妹塔是最糟糕的
There are only two archtype patches and reno now. Do u want aggro? Do patches
deck. Do u want control? Do reno deck. Another choice is nothing.
現在只有兩種牌組 你要打臉就派奇 你要控制就里諾 其他選擇不值一提
Another aggro, control decks dont have power to win vs patches, reno deck. We
should do low cost(2mana or 1mana) weapon's class with patches or we should
do kazakus class with reno.
其他牌組沒有競爭力 我們要不是用有低費武器的職業去搭配派奇 不然就是用卡札搭配
Face hunter? Zoolock? handlock? control warrior? control priest? C'thun?
tempo mage? Other midrange?
They are oldfashioned, dont have power to beat patches and reno. Patches deck
and reno deck is too much powerful evenly wild format!
他們過氣了 沒有辦法打敗這兩個 派奇跟里諾甚至在wild模式下也超強
So every games are same scenario.
1turn, STB with patches and weapons opening ~ ~ ~ 6turn, you died or Rich
第一回合 業餘海盜跟派奇跟武器 第六回合 你不是死了就是噱翻了
That's all. Dont matter about class.
Top of the hill the worst of them, shaman.
Last season last day, i played rank game in legend 200~500. i met shaman 15
times continuously!
上一季最後一天 我在傳說200~500區間對戰 我連續遇到15個薩滿!!
Is it normal? Right? Why blizz doesnt fix that?? shaman(+ warrior) rule the
meta for 1 years!
這樣對嗎?!?! 為什麼暴風雪不處理一下?薩滿(跟戰士)已經掌控天梯一年了!
Second point is that.
blizz is ancient watcher. they just watch the meta and say that 'we watch the
problem, players can find unicorn deck to counter shaman.'
暴雪是遠古看守者 他們看著meta變動並且說 我們知道了 玩家終究可以找出
They do nothing without release new card. Korean players want fast changing
meta like lol, overwatch. But hs is too slow and sometimes never change meta
until new card.
他們只會釋出新卡片 韓國玩家想要遊戲meta像lol那樣快速變動 可是爐石太慢了並且
I think that there is no reason to season system. Every season, we want new,
fresh experience like overwatch by nerf(berf). But blizz do nothing.
我覺得季賽系統毫無意義 每一季 我們想要新的 有趣的經驗 就像overwatch那樣 透過
nerf和berf(???)的方式 可是暴雪什麼也不做
2015 only 2 times card change. 2016 only 2 times card change.(without murloc)
Every month we play shaman or reno deck until new expansion yea.
2015年只有兩次更改 2016也只有兩次(不算魚人) 每個月我們都玩薩滿或里諾直到新擴充
Where is wild format? Wild is trashcan??
Korean call wild users = wild sucking nerd
We think that wild is trash can. Because blizz never mind wild. No support,
我們認為狂野是垃圾桶 因為暴雪從不管狂野
No blizz tournament, No balancing patch, NO SALE WILD CARD
沒有暴雪比賽 沒有平衡更新 甚至連狂野卡片都不賣
Only auto program user live Asia wild.
Is wild subformat? Like brawl?
Why blizz make wild format like morden format in MTG?
Now times, we can get only wild card to grind standard card. It is suck,
目前來說 狂野的卡只有分解的用途 這真的很糟糕 很可笑
I played hs for 3 years and payed 1000 dollars over. I like hearthstone so i
want that hs is more polular and long-run game.
我玩了超過三年並且付了一千塊以上(應為美元) 我喜歡爐石所以我希望它長長久久
But many hs players leave now. They say that 'hs is no changing game', 'BB
hear it with one ear and shed it with one ear', 'Never need skill but RNG'.
但很多爐石玩家要離開了 他們說 爐石是款糞game BB左耳進右耳出 爐石不用技術只要
Im so sad.
網友回應: "暴雪是遠古看守者" 這句話實在太經典了...而且真的是這樣
回應: 這就是他們為什麼要做出淨化這張卡片
這篇文章錯字和文法錯誤很多 但並不影響意思表達 有些地方反而滿好笑的