Yong Woo Leaves Blizzard - Joins Ben Brode at Second Dinner
Yong Woo, Hearthstone's Production Director, has left the company. He joins
Ben Brode and Hamilton Chu at the new Second Dinner game studio.
加入 Ben Brode 的 Second Dinner 遊戲工作室
Another two Hearthstone employees quit in recent time, Michael Schweitzer and
Jomaro Kindred, who are also at the studio. There are now five ex-Hearthstone
team members working at Second Dinner.
最近又有兩名爐石員工離職 Michael Schweitzer 和 Jomaro Kindred
也都在這個工作室 現在 Second Dinner 工作室已經有五名前爐石團隊成員了
整個爐石團隊都要被BB挖走囉 (づ′・ω・)づ