kuonet (鍋貼)
2018-09-09 15:59:38重賽抓馬 Reddit快速回
Hi guys, I'm the tournament admin of the venue that Akumaker played at. The
game was remade because there was a chance that BOTH players could hear the
game. This was confirmed by me, as I had access to Aku's headset (which he
was not wearing) and could hear live commentary of both players and the cards
that they had in hand. This was only made clear to me more than half way
through the first game and that is why there was no immediate
replay/resolution made.
It would have been wrong for Blizzard to make a snap call decision on the
spot which is why the replay wasn't confirmed until a while after the game
had finished. In fact, when Blizzard explained this to him he even stated
that it wasn't fair for Sequinox to have the game being replayed. Even after
the full set was played, I had to re-explain to him the reason as to why the
game was replayed.
TL;DR: I heard commentary from Aku's headset (he has earphones in and
couldn't hear the headset most likely), I let Blizzard know and they made a
collected agreement after. Aku did not even know until after the game/set was
Akumaker打的時候沒有戴官方的耳機 官方的耳機放在旁邊
一個Admin發現官方的耳機有轉播的聲音 所以回報官方 官方決定重賽
理論上來說Akumaker應該沒有聽到轉播的聲音 但還是決定重賽
重賽前Akumaker有跟官方說 這樣對Sequinox不公平 不應該重賽
但是官方仍然下這個決定 因為官方認為可能兩邊的耳機都聽得到評論
投三小 每場賽局都全力以赴 才是尊重對手 這才是運
作者: interception ( ) 2018-09-09 16:36:00
澳暴還是包包起來算了啦 之前來台灣比就好好的
動家精神 而投降則是聖人精神 就算沒投降Aku也沒啥問題吧??
慘 狼王打這麼久還輸 垃圾暴雪那個kim aku就說重賽不公平了代表他認為狼王該贏那一場 所以他是可以投降讓結果變成他認為公平的你邏輯才有問題==
作者: interception ( ) 2018-09-09 16:46:00
運動家精神是放棄比賽 讓對手贏? 對手又不是殘廢了讓他幹嘛?繼續打叫做尊重對手 對手又不是智商下降了 有讓步空間? 唯一有爭議的是爐石是款有機運成分在的遊戲 這樣的重賽機制爛的可以 但也不是AKU的問題啊?= =如果認為投降是聖人行為 那做不到這種聖人行為的人有什麼好批評的? 大家都是聖人? 聖人很好當? 聖人有像各位想的那麼廉價嗎?
作者: interception ( ) 2018-09-09 20:28:00
看他推特他只說他不清楚狀況 這樣算出來喊話嗎