Jotarun (forever)
2020-11-14 12:10:36https://redd.it/jt7im4
We’ve disabled rating floors in Battlegrounds after identifying a critical
bug. We’re aiming to bring rating floors back online in a future patch.
- 戰場現在分數暫時取消保底 預計下次更新會恢復
Fixed a bug where Madness at the Darkmoon Faire cards were not appearing in
Duels loot buckets.
- 修正暗月卡不會出現在決鬥擂台選擇的問題
Fixed a bug where several older pack reward pop ups were being displayed on
login related to Duels and Master of Everything.
- 修正以前的卡包獎勵登入會跳出來的問題
Fixed a bug that blocked some players from logging in if they had the
Challenge a Friend or Spectate a Friend Quests.
Fixed a bug where some players would have incompletable Quests with odd
progress numbers on log in.
- 修正有的玩家會有無法完成的任務的問題