Jotarun (forever)
2021-05-01 22:39:30https://twitter.com/yggdreigon_hs/status/1388320468495749129
Q: You have been playing a lot of wild ladder lately, climbing to the top ranks
even. How was your experience with the format? Is the powerlever where you
expect it to be? Are you happy with the direction the meta is taking?
I had a ton of fun, been trying to go hardcore in every mode one by one to
get a true grasp of the highest level.
很好玩。我最近是想每個模式都哈扣(認真爬)一下 實際感受高端的樣子
Meta is pretty diverse at the highest levels in my experience. Lots of reno
decks from various classes, handbuff paladin, darkglare warlock, flamewaker
mage, and some other offshoot decks here and there.
(開放)高端Meta蠻分歧的 各種無雙牌組 ++聖 暗凝術 喚燄法 還有各種奇葩牌組
I'd say diversity is doing just fine, my only concerns being the early-game
highroll potential of mage and darkglare warlock.
我覺得牌組蠻多樣的 我唯一擔心的就是可以早早天胡的法師跟暗凝術
Darkglare warlock is the less extreme of the two, but it's also more
consistent and powerful. Mage just kills you on turn 4-8 pretty consistently
if you don't have any disruption and that is pretty extreme.
No balance changes directly on the horizon but I would say that those two
decks are both on the edge.