Jotarun (forever)
2022-08-12 04:03:53https://bit.ly/3paZ8dW
‧ In Duels, banned Wildheart Guff from deckbuilding.
‧ In Arena, the appearance rates of many cards across all classes and
neutral have been adjusted.
競技場 調整多張卡牌出現機率以平衡職業強度
‧ Fixed a bug that occurred for players who triggered the free new/returning
player deck condition before Patch 24.0, but then did not claim the deck
until after Patch 24.0.
‧ Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage would deal the wrong amount of damage
if copied (such as by Twinbow Terrorcoil).
修正複製版本的[連帶傷害] 傷害計算錯誤的問題
‧ Fixed a bug where playing and attacking with the weapon selected from
Suspicious Pirate would result in your opponent being offered a version
missing one Durability.
‧ Fixed a small visual bug with Decimator Olgra’s intro animation.