※ 引述《filmystery (P.B. take me to the US)》之銘言:
: 前陣子熊仔製作的<迷惘美>
: 有這麼一段歌詞
: https://youtu.be/WYB8WmFl0H8?t=2m
: 其實平常他的話不多
: 家裡什麼都沒有 就是畫布多
: 好奇
: 英文饒舌有沒有類似的押韻??
: 兩句歌詞句尾的字完全不同、意思也不同
: 但讀音念起來完全一樣
: ("畫布多"跟"話不多",意思不同但讀音念起來完全一樣)
: 推文如果能附上YOUTUBE網址更好
這個在英文饒舌裡面叫做homophone rhyme,就是同音異形異義字的押韻。
“Beef is when I see you, guaranteed to be in I.C.U.”
Biggie - What's Beef
I see you 和 ICU(加護病房)
“Cat like you? Call you a Gladiator
Give her oral, and you happy, Glad-he-ate-her”
Cam'ron - Boy Boy
Gladiator 和 用 oral sex 帶出的Glad he ate her
"They want some free Cds, I'm like see Deez Nuts
Method Man - The Turn
"And so it seems that I’m sewing jeans
And 1st and 15th is just a sewing machine
So I cut the pattern and I sew its seams"
Lupe Fiasco - Pressure
文字遊戲大師 Lupe連續用了多個相似音來押韻,seems, sewing jeans, fifthteenth,sewing machine,sew its seams