Legendary rapper, producer, and businessman Dr. Dre has suffered a brain aneurys m. 傳奇饒舌歌手、製作人和商人Dr. Dre罹患了腦動脈瘤 TMZ reports it happened Monday and he has been in the ICU at Cedars-Sinai Medic al Center in Los Angeles since. TMZ報導,這是星期一發生的,目前Dre人在Cedars-Sinai Medical Center的加護病房 Dre is now stable and they are running tests on him. 目前情況穩定,還在進行測試。 The 55-year old is in the middle of a contentious divorce with his soon-to-be ex -wife Nicole Young. They were both expected in court tomorrow. That's not going to happen. 55歲的Dre正在和妻子進行離婚協議當中,原先預定明天前往法院,但目前不會發生了 Pray for the good doctor 為他祈禱吧! - 2020已經帶走很多人了,希望dre可以順利康復