1.對象: 5-year-old boy ←(年齡、性別缺一不可)
2.地點: Taipei City Shilin dist←(請注意自身安全、財物等。)
3.科目: accompany tutor / caring job/ reading children books
4.上課時間: Once a week / 1-2 hours a day
* Native English speaker
* Or Major in English courses in university
* Patience for a Kindergarten age kid
* Loving to spend time with kids
* Must be outgoing, easy going, open minded
* and preferably funny with a sense of humor.
7.聯絡方式: *email to: [email protected]/*
caring job是要當保母嗎? 然後新北很大欸
caring means pay basic attentions to him