vicky9168 (vicky9168)
2019-09-16 13:15:29Hi there,
I saw you looking for English tutor on PTT. So please let me introduce myself.
My line : beebee9191
Cellphone number : 0919652039
I graduated from University of St. Andrews which is the top 3 university in th
e UK. And I majored in Marketing for master degree. After gaining my degree, I
went to American for one year and joined Michigan courses with master student
s for 3 months, learning about international marketing, economics and advanced
accounting ect.
Afterwards I came back to Taiwan, I worked for foreign company as an internati
onal sales, mainly focus on U.S and Taiwan in the markets. During this period,
I learned price negotiation, quotation, presentation skill and bargaining str
ategy. Then I went to work for famous software company for 2 years as Marketin
g Specialist.
I cultivate myself to think independently and critically and problem solving s
kills. Most importantly, I enhanced data analysis ability to see the bigger pi
cture by mining insight from raw data.
Currently I am working for international company in luxury brand as Client Dev
elopment, focusing on data analysis and exploration of potential clients. ( wh
ile you are reading here, you may have questions why you can have time to teac
h students. Personally, I think it is about time management. No excuse for you
rself we can make our life more efficient when we are living in this generatio
Except my working experience, I've been teaching English over 3 years. So far
I have taught over 40 students and lots of students learn English more than 2
years with me. Though I always I feel grammar is really important, in terms of
the oral speaking, you need to focus on your thinking and how to organize the
words and sentence you want to deliver.
Therefore, I would recommend for the first 2-3 class, I will recap the basic a
nd most useful grammar for you. However this time I would not ask you to memor
ize it. The only thing you need to do is think more and ask more & precise que
stions and make them in the logical way.
In my class, I would like to provide lots of articles and videos in order to i
nspire you to contemplate. I always think about why Taiwanese have a significa
nt gap between foreigners. The main reason is that we only focus on grammar an
d vocabulary. BUT do you think it is beneficial for your speaking, presentatio
n or conversation ? I think you learned but when you meet foreign friends you
still nervous and keep silent.
SO I am here to provide you with different thinking and offer you "STAR" metho
d to organize your speaking structure. Like I mentioned earlier, I would like
to give you videos like 500 fortune leadership ( Zuckerberg, Simon Sinken, Ste
ve Job, Jack Ma and Sheryl Sandberg, Elon Musk ect) , Business English and mor
e Global trend. To be honest in my mind, if you want to learn English,
I think you are not only focusing on your career path now but also looking for
the better or brighter future like working abroad or like staying in the bett
er company or gaining competitive advantage. So I would like to insert those c
oncepts while you are learning English with me. We need to make more values an
d life stories than others. And that makes you stand out more!!
That is what I learned from western education but hard to understand under Tai
wanese education system. If you are ready to learn more and have a ground-brea
kthrough learning experience at this moment !! Please do not hesitate to conta
ct me. I guarantee you you will find out different world and get more passion
for learning English.
※ 引述《wioned (浮生若夢)》之銘言:
: 1.對象: 30歲 男性 上班族
: 2.地點: 台北車站附近 咖啡廳或餐廳
: 3.科目:成人會話
: 4.上課時間:一周2~3次 一次1~2小時 平日下班時間 或 假日
: 5.時薪:600~1000
: 6.條件:希望可以提供有規劃,有系統的教學
: 7.聯絡方式 : 站內信
: 8.附註:請附上老師能力參考資料(如:學歷 經歷 檢定成績...)