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作者: FiveSix911 (五六玖壹) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 印度德雷莎修女慈善之家販賣嬰兒
時間: Fri Jul 6 12:15:40 2018
Mother Teresa India charity home 'sold babies'
5 July 2018
A woman working at Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in the eastern
Indian state of Jharkhand has been arrested for allegedly selling a
14-day-old baby.
Two other women employees from the centre have been detained and are being
questioned about other possible cases.
Police took action after the state's Child Welfare Committee (CWC) registered
a complaint.
在州兒童福利委員會投訴後 警方採取了行動
The charity has not responded to BBC requests for comment.
"We have found out that some other babies have also been illegally sold from
the centre," a police official told BBC Hindi's Niraj Sinha. "We have
obtained the names of the mothers of these babies and are further
Police also recovered 140,000 rupees ($2,150; £1,625) from the centre, which
is located in Jharkhand's capital, Ranchi.
Nobel-laureate Mother Teresa, who died in 1997, founded the Missionaries of
Charity in 1950.
The sisterhood has more than 3,000 nuns worldwide. She set up hospices, soup
kitchens, schools, leper colonies and homes for abandoned children. The
Missionaries of Charity also runs centres for unmarried pregnant women but no
longer arranges adoptions.
同時也設立未婚懷孕中心 但不再安排領養
India's changing adoption rules印度正在改變領養規則
By Jill McGivering, BBC News
Legally adopting a baby in India can take from a few months to years. Each
year, only a few thousand adoptions are formalised - a fraction of the number
of those wanting to adopt. Informal estimates of the number of children who
are abandoned or unwanted run into tens of thousands.
每年只有幾千個正式化的領養 - 佔全部的一小部分
根據非正式的估計, 數以萬計的兒童被拋棄
In October 2015, the government changed the rules. It took the system online,
with a national database of available children. Supporters say this made the
process faster and more transparent and allowed prospective parents to find
children anywhere in the country.
But some adoption agencies opposed the changes, which reduced their
involvement in the process of matching couples and children. The Missionaries
of Charity ended its own involvement because it opposed adoptions to single
women or unmarried couples.
慈善傳教士終止了他們的參與 因為它反對單身婦女或未婚情侶的領養
There's a long-standing stigma associated with adoption in India. In the
past, many were arranged informally within extended families. But concerns
persist that couples wanting to adopt may find it easier to turn to the black
market and adopt directly from hospitals or orphanages which are not part of
the legal system. This may also fuel the trade in child trafficking, still a
major concern in India.
在印度 領養長期以來是羞恥的.
希望領養的夫婦可能更容易傾向黑市,直接從醫院領養或是領樣孤兒 而這都是不合法的
"We are currently investigating the sale of a newborn baby to a couple in
Uttar Pradesh for 120,000 rupees," CWC chairman Rupa Kumari told the BBC.
"我們正在調查Uttar Pradesh的一起以12萬盧比出售新生兒給一對夫婦的案子"
"But the couple was told that the money was for hospital expenses."
The baby, a boy, was born to a young woman who arrived at the charity on 19
March, and was sold to the couple on 14 May, Ms Kumari said.
Ms Kumari說這個男孩是一個在三月十九日到達慈善機構的年輕女性所生
Ms Kumari added that the committee should have been informed when the
pregnant woman was taken to hospital. She said the committee had discovered
that other babies were sold to people in different cities for 50,000-70,000
委員會已經發現其他嬰兒被賣給了不同城市的人 價格為50,000-70,000盧比
The CWC has transferred 13 pregnant women who were living in the missionary's
Ranchi centre to a different location.
Prospective parents have been known to buy babies illegally in India because
of the tough laws and long wait to adopt. During the 2015-2016 financial
year, there were only 3,011 legal adoptions, against a waiting list of 12,000
在2015-2016財政年度間 有12000隊等候領養的夫婦 但只有3011個合法領養