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2019-01-11 22:50:24A German politician has left the far-right Alternative for Germany to set up
a new party with a logo that uses a symbol adopted as a secret sign by
Austrian Nazis in the 1930s.
André Poggenburg resigned from his post as the AfD’s regional leader in
eastern Saxony-Anhalt state last year after labelling Turks as “camel drivers
” and immigrants with dual nationality a “homeless mob we no longer want”.
He announced his resignation from the party in an email sent to the
leadership earlier this week.
André Poggenburg曾是AfD在東薩克森 安哈爾特州的區域領導人,他辭去職務,
In the email he criticised the AfD for worrying too much about the
possibility of being put under surveillance by German intelligence.
Separately he told Welt newspaper that he was opposed to a “shift to the left
” in the AfD, which has spent the last months ridding itself of extreme
elements in an attempt to appear more moderate.
“Unfortunately, the developments inside the AfD in the last weeks and months
has shown that it isn’t really my political home any longer,” Poggenburg
wrote in the email.
此外他告訴Wilt newspaper(世界報)自己反對AfD"向左移動"。
His new party Aufbruch der deutschen Patrioten (Awakening of German Patriots)
will use a cornflower against the background of a German flag. The small blue
flower was used as a secret symbol by the then-banned National Socialists in
1930s Austria before the Anschluss of 1938 brought the Nazis to power in the
Poggenburg, who has repeatedly come under fire for his use of Nazi-era
vocabulary, will bring at least two AfD allies, Egbert Ermer and Benjamin
Przybylla, into his fledgling party. The party is said to be planning an
electoral debut at regional elections in the eastern states of Saxony,
Thuringia and Brandenburg this autumn.
他的新政黨 德國愛國者覺醒黨 將以國旗為底配上矢車菊為標誌。
Poggenburg因使用納粹時代詞彙而受到抨擊,他也將至少兩名AfD黨員Egbert Ermer
和Benjamin Przybylla帶入他剛剛起步的政黨。據說該黨計劃今年秋天在東薩克森州,
Poggenburg told Welt that he does not want the party to compete with the AfD,
and that he proposes “to stay with the successful [political] positioning of
the AfD of around two years ago and not go along with the noticeable shift to
the left”.
The development will overshadow the AfD’s annual conference in the Saxon
town of Riesa, which opened on Friday. Delegates will finalise the party’s
programme for upcoming European elections and are expected to reject a
proposal supporting “Deuxit” – Germany exiting the EU.
Further distraction came after police proposed to release footage of Monday’
s violent attack on AfD politician Frank Magnitz. AfD federal chairman Jörg
Meuthen has said he would support the move to publish the video, which he
claims shows unknown assailants knocking Magnitz to the ground with a wooden
instrument before beating him around the head.
Police had earlier said the footage cast doubt on the AfD’s account.
Magnitz, who heads the AfD’s chapter in the city state of Bremen, spent
three days in hospital after the attack.
最近警方發布AfD政治家Frank Magnitz被暴力襲擊畫面後,大家的注意力稍稍轉移。