America Isn’t as Powerful as It Thinks It Is
原文:Foreign policy
Just how powerful is the United States? Is it still the unipolar power, able
to impose its will on adversaries, allies, and neutrals, and force them—
however reluctantly—to go along with policies they think are foolish,
dangerous, or simply contrary to their interests? Or are there clear and
significant limits to U.S. power, suggesting that it should be more selective
and strategic in setting goals and pursuing them?
The Trump administration has embraced the first position, especially since
John Bolton became White House national security advisor and Mike Pompeo took
over as secretary of state. Whatever President Donald Trump’s initial
instincts may have been, their arrival marked a return to the unilateralist,
take-no-prisoners approach to foreign policy that characterized George W. Bush
’s first term as president, when Vice President Dick Cheney and the
neoconservatives held sway. A key feature of that earlier period was the
assumption that the United States was so powerful that it could go it alone
on many issues and that other states could be cowed into submission by
demonstrations of U.S. power and resolve. As a senior advisor to Bush
(reportedly Karl Rove) told the journalist Ron Suskind: “We’re an empire
now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” Compromises and
coalition-building were for wimps and appeasers; as Cheney himself reportedly
said in 2003: “We don’t negotiate with evil; we defeat it.”
川普政府接受了前一種說法,尤其是在約翰‧博爾頓(John Bolton)成為白宮國家安全
事務助理以及邁克‧蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)接任國務卿之後。無論川普總統最初的本意
義、不妥協的外交政策回歸,當時掌權的是副總統迪克‧錢尼(Dick Cheney)和新保守
The Bush-Cheney approach produced a string of failures, but the same
unilateral arrogance lives on in the Trump administration. It is evident in
Trump’s decision to threaten (or in some cases, to actually begin) trade
wars not just with China but with many of America’s economic partners. It
was part and parcel of the impulsive decisions to abandon the Trans-Pacific
Partnership and leave the Paris climate accord. It is the basis of the
administration’s “take it or leave it” approach to diplomacy with North
Korea and Iran, wherein Washington announces unrealistic demands and then
ratchets up sanctions in the hope that the targets will capitulate and give
the United States everything it wants, even though this approach to both
countries has repeatedly failed in the past. It is even more obvious in the
recent decision to impose secondary sanctions on states that are still buying
Iranian oil, a move that threatens to drive up oil prices and damage U.S.
relations with China, India, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, and others. It is
almost certainly true of the so-called peace plan that nepotist-in-chief
Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, keeps promising to
reveal, a proposal likely to make Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, and other fans of the concept of Greater
Israel happy but won’t advance the cause of peace in the slightest. A
similar faith in America’s vast ability to control outcomes can also be seen
in the premature recognition of Juan Guaidó as interim president of
Venezuela and the strident U.S. demands that “Maduro must go.” However
desirable that outcome would be, it would be nice if we had some idea how to
bring it about.
會對推動和平事業的發展有絲毫用處。從美國政府對胡安‧瓜伊多(Juan Guaid)作為委
The underlying assumption behind all of these policies is that U.S. pressure—
you know, what Pompeo likes to call “swagger”—will eventually force
acknowledged adversaries to do whatever it is the United States demands of
them, and that other states won’t find ways to evade, obstruct, divert,
dilute, hedge, hinder, or otherwise negate what Washington is trying to do.
It assumes we are still dwelling in the unipolar moment and that all that
matters is the will to use the power at America’s disposal.
Perhaps most important, this approach denies that there are any real
trade-offs between any of these objectives. If the United States is really
all-powerful, then sanctioning China over oil purchases from Iran won’t have
any impact on the trade talks that are now underway with Beijing, and Turkey
won’t respond to the same pressure by moving closer to Russia. It further
assumes that America’s NATO allies are so desperate to keep the U.S.
military in Europe that they will accept repeated humiliations and follow the
U.S. lead against China, despite the growing evidence that this is not the
case. It sees no downsides to going all-in with Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia,
and the Gulf, and it sees little risk should relations with Iran or others
escalate to war.
To be fair, it is not hard to understand why hawks think they can get away
with this approach to foreign policy, at least in the short term. Despite
many recent missteps, the United States is still very powerful. Its active
assistance is still something that some other states want, and its “focused
enmity” is something no state can completely ignore. The United States is
still a vast and valuable market, the dollar remains the world’s main
reserve currency, and the ability to cut other states or financial
institutions off from the infrastructure of global finance gives Washington
unusual leverage. Many U.S. allies are accustomed to deferring to Washington
and are understandably reluctant to do anything that might encourage the
United States to withdraw support. Trump and company can also count on the
support of authoritarian soul mates in the European right (including the
present rulers in Poland and Hungary), as well as America’s morally
compromised allies in the Middle East. Plus, most Americans don’t care all
that much about foreign policy and are usually willing to go along with
whatever the executive branch is doing, provided that it doesn’t prove too
costly or embarrassing.
Nonetheless, there are even more potent reasons why this bullying approach
has produced no major foreign-policy successes so far and is unlikely to
yield significant success in the future. First of all, even much weaker
states are loath to succumb to blackmail, for one very good reason: Once you’
ve shown you can be coerced, there may be no end to subsequent demands.
Moreover, when the United States insists on complete capitulation (i.e., by
calling for total North Korean disarmament or regime change in Iran), it
gives the target state zero incentive to comply. And given Trump’s amply
demonstrated dishonesty and fickle approach to diplomacy, why would any
foreign leader believe any assurances he (or Pompeo) might give? Put all this
together, and you have a perfect recipe for “no deal.”
Second, bullying nearly everyone makes it much harder construct powerful
coalitions whose support can enhance America’s diplomatic leverage. This
problem is perhaps most apparent in the administration’s haphazard approach
to economic diplomacy with China. By leaving the Trans-Pacific Partnership
and picking trade fights with other key partners, the administration missed
an opportunity to organize a broad coalition of industrial powers united by a
desire to get China to reform its own economic practices. Trump’s trade team
may still get some sort of deal with Beijing, but it won’t be as good as
what they could have achieved with a more sophisticated and cooperative
Much the same lesson applies to Iran. The Trump administration deliberately
set out to kill the Iran nuclear deal, and it did it in plain sight. It is so
focused on this goal that it is even willing to punish the other signatories
in a vain attempt to get Iran to say uncle. Tehran has continued to abide by
the terms of the agreement despite Washington’s reneging on the deal, but
its patience is probably not infinite, especially when the administration has
made it clear that regime change is its real objective. Should Iran
eventually restart its nuclear weapons program—which has been in abeyance
for more than a decade—the rest of the world is not going to suddenly line
up behind the United States and support more forceful action. Why? Because
everyone knows that it was the United States—not Iran—that killed the deal,
and there won’t be a ton of sympathy for America when it starts bleating
about Iran’s response. America’s Middle East clients will no doubt be happy
if Washington decides to fight another war on their behalf, but don’t count
on a lot of help from them or from anyone else.
Third, other states don’t like being beholden to the whims of others, and
especially when others behave selfishly, erratically, and with ill-disguised
contempt for others’ interests. Not surprisingly, therefore, other states
are starting to develop workarounds designed to limit U.S. leverage, most
notably by designing financial arrangements outside the network of
institutions that Washington has been using to coerce allies and adversaries
into compliance. As Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman recently wrote in FP, “
instead of leading states and businesses to minimize contact with the targets
of U.S. sanctions,” the Trump administration’s strong-arm tactics “may
lead states and businesses to minimize their contact with the U.S.-led global
financial system and to start to construct their own workarounds. Over time,
those workarounds might even begin to accumulate into an effective
alternative system.”
的金融機構網絡之外設計全新的金融安排。正如亨利‧法雷爾(Henry Farrell)和亞伯
拉罕‧紐曼(Abraham Newman)最近在《外交政策》雜誌中所提到的:“川普政府的強硬
Lastly, being a bully encourages adversaries to join forces out of their own
self-interest, while giving potential allies more reason to keep their
distance. It is no accident that Russia and China continue to move closer
together—even though they are not natural allies, and a smarter U.S.
approach could give Moscow reasons to distance itself from Beijing—and
America’s same bullying impulses are going to push states like Iran even
closer to them. Bolton and those of his ilk will probably come up with some
trite new moniker for this group—“Axis of Evil” and “Troika of Tyranny”
are taken, so perhaps “Triad of Troublemakers” or “Coalition of Chaos”—
ignoring the fact that their own policies have helped push these powers
What we are witnessing, therefore, is a real-world test of two competing
visions of contemporary geopolitics. One version sees U.S. power as
essentially undiminished and believes that a combination of material
capabilities, favorable geography, and entrenched institutional capabilities
will allow it to pursue an ambitious and revisionist foreign policy at little
cost and with a high probability of success. The second version—to which I
subscribe—sees the United States as very powerful and in a privileged
position (for various reasons) but also believes there are limits to U.S.
power and that it is necessary to set priorities, minimize trade-offs when
possible, and collaborate with others on many issues. It also assumes that
others cannot be browbeaten into abject capitulation and that effective and
durable international agreements require a degree of mutual compromise, even
with adversaries.
The United States tested Version #1 from 2001 to 2004, and the results were a
near-total failure. I realize that trying to replicate past results is
important to scientific progress, but does America really need to repeat this
particular experiment again?